Foliar feeding


Well-Known Member
I thought it was a big no-no to foliar feed especially during bloom? If this is the case why does a company like Flora flex offer a foliar feed specifically for bloom?



Well-Known Member
Flora Flex offers that product because they believe someone will buy it!

They are already making "Bloom" nutrients, so why not put some of the nutrients they already make in a different package just in case somebody thinks foliar bloom is a great idea.

Conventional forum wisdom says spraying your buds will cause mold, but maybe that's dependant on conditions? Like if your temps, humidity and air movement are good and you don't absolutely soak your buds you'll be OK. You also hear about fertilizer accumulating on the buds and then you smoke that shit. That does seem like a problem to me, but what do I know?

Anyway, foliar feeding does "work." Plants can absorb at least some nutes through thier leaves. Foliar feeding can be useful if you need to feed cuttings with no roots or quickly clear up some kind of deficiency. But it isn't better or easier than regular feeding.