foliar spray help me

It is only realy benifical to supply micro nutes in a foliar spray, I would use an organic seaweed food from any old shop and follow instructons.

these expensive MJ nutes are just a con with big advertising bills. IMO
blue mountain organics has a foliar spray that is really good stuff and can be mixed and used as fert in the soil if you want.
liquid seaweed/kelp. my plants lovw it, and even though i grossly over use it *Noob* it has never even burned a seedling of mine, out of about ten different plants including weed, and about a hundred or so seedlings being fed it. also, it's supposed to be a fairly sustainable thing, soit's not bad for the environment.
I see a lot of recipes so I guess you are looking for organic. I use Liquid Light on my hydro set up and currently have a challenge running. I am willing to test anything I can BUY at a local hydro store and test it had to head against Dutch Master's Liquid Light and Penetrator combo spray. I got very few responses, hell you got more than me. It'll be interesting to see what is recommended the most.

Technaflora has a "Thrive Alive B-1" its a Kelp based foliar spray.I only used it once to save some cuttings that were neglected.IMO I only spray in emergency situations Ive found that my cuttings root faster if I only spray the dome and I only use the dome for two days.