Your funny. I almost tought that shit was fuckin hamarijuana is a gateway drug!!!!!! not any fault of its own the government made it this way if i did not have to buy weed off the dirt bag that also sells crack i would never be tempted to buy crack..........its all fucked up the marijuana addiction numbers are also manipulated by the well when you get caught the first time they give you the option go to jail or go to this addiction program duhhhhh see you at N/A then they use those numbers to convince all the ignorant uneducated close minded people, look this is what weed is doing..............
come home drunk at night beat your wife. come home high at night munch out.
So one night you fist her, the other night you eat her. Just drink and smoke the same night and kill two birds with one stone.
I don't need to watch shit...I know from years of experience. I've watch many people come off hard drugs by using weed, including myself. And if your weed dealer is also a crack dealer, and you get hooked on is that the weeds fault!??...look in the mirror, there's the one who bought the a dealer that doesn't sling rocks. I know so many people who smoke weed and have never touched other drugs, your gateway story is full of shit...IMO, and everyone I knows opinion...including 200+ sick people I see every week at the commpassion is watch the union............................
He said because his weed dealer sold crack, and he HAD to try it, that weed was now a gateway gateway to relief and freedom maybe...but not to harder drugs.why go to a dealer, dnt be lazy grow your own stuff. then you know your weed is clean
I don't need to watch shit...I know from years of experience. I've watch many people come off hard drugs by using weed, including myself. And if your weed dealer is also a crack dealer, and you get hooked on is that the weeds fault!??...look in the mirror, there's the one who bought the a dealer that doesn't sling rocks. I know so many people who smoke weed and have never touched other drugs, your gateway story is full of shit...IMO, and everyone I knows opinion...including 200+ sick people I see every week at the commpassion club.
He said because his weed dealer sold crack, and he HAD to try it, that weed was now a gateway gateway to relief and freedom maybe...but not to harder drugs.
I don't feel like an ass or want to argue...but you sound pretty stupid blaming the schedual 1's wrong...just because they call it a hard drug, and in most places a "dealer" has to sell it...doesn't mean you have to buy the crack and guns too!...I go to the titty bar, but I don't go in the back and fuck the dancers...if I did, it would be the bars fault??...would their bar be a gateway to AIDS and herpies??You completely missed what i was saying..............the government mixxed in weed with the hard drug market by making it sell weed you have to be a criminal or be willing to take the charges......thats were your gateway is not everyone lives in suburbia my drug dealer sells pills weed and guns...uhhh so do i ..... your just trying to fight i agree with you if you really understood what i wrote you my friend would feel like an ass right now........
really watch the union it seems to me like you do need to watch it