Food from a dumpster (skipping) Dumpster diving


Taking food from dumpsters at a supermarket when they're throwing food away. What do you prefer. They just throw it away? Or people take the food from a dumpster which is still easy and possible to eat. Today I was at a dumpster at the McDonalds.. LOTS of hamburgers and chickennuggets were there.. In the dumpster all still fresh and eatable.. They are throwing away all this meat, food while there are children in africa having hunger..

It's sick in my opinion. This hamburgers were still eatable as im eating them myself now..
Also supermarkets, which are throwing away vegetables, drinks like beer wine cola etc, but also potatoes, bread cookies milk etc which are still consumable. I think people shoulndt do stuff like this with food!

Its sick they throw away so much. In holland they are throwing away 9.5 milion kilo food each year away, because its on the date.. In belgium only is this 3.6 miljion kilo food..

Only this 2 small countries are throwing away so much food. Its sick because I read something in the newspaper about a guy that was in belgium that got donuts from a dumpster.. After that he got caugt and got 6 months of prison.. For taking donuts from a dumpster.. I wonder why, I mean they throw it away so why they care?

someone is hungry takes it and gets to prison..

My english is crap sorry, but i hope you understand what im trying to say, how do you guys think about this?

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
The world wasteS so much shit every day.... That's how the earth is.... Wha. They need to do besides waste so much shit isdrop the price of cell phones and monthly bills.... 600 for a cellphone and the way it's rigged to take your money... Bullshit.... but yeah we throw away abunch of shit man.. Donthink it will Change


That's why I prefer eating from a dumpster.. It's free and its as good as I buy it from the store. Just dont let it lay in your fridgenator for a week


Well-Known Member
If you think McDonalds throws away much, I saw a show about what is thrown out every day at the big casino's.......just one could fill the tummies of the homeless in an entire city. It is amazing. It was a dirty jobs episode.....all they do with it in Las Vegas is liquify it and sell it to pig farmers for their livestock. That was one dirty job!


Well-Known Member
This reminds me of some new waste show I seen a preview for, maybe food network, idk..

But they showed a tomato farmer that solely raises tomatoes for McDonalds, and only the most perfect ones get shipped out, while there's just a huge waste of slightly imperfected, but edible tomatoes going to waste.

Just one small comparison to the thousands of pounds of food that get throwin' out everday...

It's just the american way.


Theres a reason why people throw out the food, its too risky. I agree with you, if its your only option for food, go for it! But if you can afford food, go BUY it. You don't know why they're throwing it out. It might just be old, or it might have been on the floor, do you really trust 16-20 year olds with your food? Specially the stuff they throw out!

But on the flip side, going through dumpsters at retail stores and stuff is pretty fun. I remember on a military base I was on, they had rented a HUGE dumpster for everyone to use, there was so much stuff in it that was useable. I still have a military cash box, it was dented and wouldn't close, but I fixed it up and it works just fine to hold misc stuff in


Well-Known Member
yea at coffeeshops, they always have to have fresh coffee, any coffee left in the pots they just chuck out every 15 minutes, and they throw away ridiculous amounts of donuts also. I was told a child dies every 3 seconds from starvation alone...1....2....3, and another death that could have been prevented. Do you know that there is more then enough food to feed every person in this world so NOBODY would go hungry but because of economics millions of people starve. Maybe they should be shipping those dumpsters over the poorer countries, Im sure hungry people would really appreciate a green big mac.


Well-Known Member
dumpster food is always the best, dunkin doughnuts, pizza hut, little ceasears, any local food market. walmart locks the dumpsters. dont forget your curb side stuff bro. spring time,rich places. always a good dig for free brand news clothes and house items that are barly used.


Well-Known Member
yea at coffeeshops, they always have to have fresh coffee, any coffee left in the pots they just chuck out every 15 minutes, and they throw away ridiculous amounts of donuts also. I was told a child dies every 3 seconds from starvation alone...1....2....3, and another death that could have been prevented. Do you know that there is more then enough food to feed every person in this world so NOBODY would go hungry but because of economics millions of people starve. Maybe they should be shipping those dumpsters over the poorer countries, Im sure hungry people would really appreciate a green big mac.
If you go to dunkin donuts near closing they'll hook you up with free donuts.I know they do it at one near me and a couple others.