Food stamps and conservative ideology

ive been on food stamps when i was in school adn ive known many others

all currently to my knowledge not on food stamps as they did hit rock bottom and then worked to get out of it . . . .im not sure what kind of personality assumption you guys hold on the poor, but i was well under poverty level income for years, well 5, and i neither had a hard time nor did i use it as a crutch to get free or entitled anything

people who are poor , scraping by, dont choose or want to be their

the bleak out look you all assume every poor person has about life is as revealing as any generalization or statement you make as you try to grasp the mindset of the poor

i was at one time in my life homeless . . . . .i dont think many of you could ever live on 100 bucks a month or anywhere near poverty level . . . because you all live outside your means if you werent paid a inflated price to do a remedial job . . . drone work, most of america's work force is not specialized in anyhtign other then day to day operations at work . . .how long did it take you learn your job once you were there????thats all it takes to fill your shoes

a good attitude (without judgement ) and a week or so or gettign used to new environment
Socialism has nothing to do with the size of government, it has to do with the organization of labor. Without big government capitalism could not exist.
Capital would have no value, and who would protect the property of business?

You're arguing with people who think the apparatus of state ought to be privatized and put into the very hands of those who privately own hereditary exclusive deed to natural resources.

They think privatization is voluntary because it happened over the course of centuries and often relied on genocidal acquisition. It was the state that aided in this privatization and it is the state that protects this private property. According to them, it is an act of aggression to not recognize the legitimacy of the aristocracy.

The biggest lie which they accept is that voluntaryism transcends the left/right spectrum. It is a radical right wing doctrine of "let them eat cake". It is a slow, painful and cruel form of eugenics.
The people who create it, as opposed to the people who inherit it.

Labor is the source of all wealth.

its a chicken an egg argument to those who covet money . . . . .they just dont realize that will to work is absent of money . .. before economies people didnt get paid to work they worked to live . . . .the money thing was a way to put value to the products of labor . . . . .a tool to create a trade of goods and services . . . business has got out of hand and lost touch with its roots

with out someone doing the work , nothign gets done . . .those that do are most valuable those that manage are much less important all starts with a laborer , nothing comes from thin air
Hungry people have more right to steal...their life depends upon it. I will grant them a little latitude.

The Little Red Hen is another good book, regarding feeding the hungry.

Of course WHY a person is hungry might be something to consider. I don't think my hunger makes your things mine, but I appreciate that you have compassion for the hungry.
The Little Red Hen is another good book, regarding feeding the hungry.

Of course WHY a person is hungry might be something to consider. I don't think my hunger makes your things mine, but I appreciate that you have compassion for the hungry.

i agree, but at the same time, i do not find fault in the logic of someone willing to take risk to achieve the most basic of human needs..........its a lot harder mentally to steal then it is to work at Mc D's and get a bi weekly pay check . . if anything it shoes a individuals willingness to survice and if they can do that they they can work a steady job as well . . . .its about chances

when i was homeless putting myself through highschool . . i didnt work and found it very difficult to have a positive outlook with no income, when i got my next job ( i think it was dishwasher at a deli) my confidence and outlooked changed dramatically and made sure i was able to get out on my own . . .. .i didnt take for granted the positive change

i did still get fired(they found out i was homeless)

and it took a while to get on my feet, but when i did i got another job and started school . . .. after i turned 18 i was able to get a place, get a regualr job and start my recovery, was on food stamps for about 2 years . .and ya i ate potato chops and candy . . .if you dont like it move or try to make reasonable limits to food stampers like no junk food, or candy . . .complete removal of the program seems a bit much when further control is all thats needed
I don't think my hunger makes your things mine.

What a loaded statement.

I think hunger and poverty make the things which are illegitimately "owned", completely non proprietary. Nobody has the right to waste what somebody else needs. Nobody has the right to take the resources of the earth and use them for greedy self gain and bequeath them to their selfish offspring exclusively.
So, Bill Gates gets to keep his $100B but his children don't get to inherit any of it?

i dont think he suggested that what you earn is not yours cuase of the labor and must be given back when you die

i think he means that no gain can be had without labor from a person who will never be able to attain such wealth is a bit of a unfair system

obviously its not as easy as making an observation but it can still be mentioned and discussed

What a loaded statement.

I think hunger and poverty make the things which are illegitimately "owned", completely non proprietary. Nobody has the right to waste what somebody else needs. Nobody has the right to take the resources of the earth and use them for greedy self gain and bequeath them to their selfish offspring exclusively.

ok mabe he did mean it . . . .idk . . .but i dont think its as cut and dry
What a loaded statement.

I think hunger and poverty make the things which are illegitimately "owned", completely non proprietary. Nobody has the right to waste what somebody else needs. Nobody has the right to take the resources of the earth and use them for greedy self gain and bequeath them to their selfish offspring exclusively.

Illegitimately owned would indicate that they were stolen or otherwise illegally obtained...

What you are proposing is a value judgement.
Illegitimately owned would indicate that they were stolen or otherwise illegally obtained...

What you are proposing is a value judgement.

legit is not the same as legal

legit , more abstract, implies context of premise, legal is more cut and dry . . not prohibited by law
The Little Red Hen is another good book, regarding feeding the hungry.

Of course WHY a person is hungry might be something to consider. I don't think my hunger makes your things mine, but I appreciate that you have compassion for the hungry.

If they're so hungry, they can clear and haul the weeds from my backyard. It will take about 4 hours. In exchage I'll make you a fancy dinner, you can choose the menu, for a week.
What a loaded statement.

I think hunger and poverty make the things which are illegitimately "owned", completely non proprietary. Nobody has the right to waste what somebody else needs. Nobody has the right to take the resources of the earth and use them for greedy self gain and bequeath them to their selfish offspring exclusively.

Do you think hunger is a permit to initiate aggression against others?

As far as "greed" goes that's a different issue than a person peacefully pursuing their own self interest.

I can, but you made the claim, therefore the onus is on you to cite it. And thank you for doing so, both times.

Edit: After reading it, and checking out the EBT site, I wonder if they are withdrawing cash from those places. They certainly can't scan the card and buy a lap dance. The usage of the word withdrawl is what makes me think that.