for all the grads, your not special

I agree with the speech dude, least for high school grads, grade 12 really doesn't mean anything anymore

i wonder why they ask for education level on so many job applications then.

they must like wasting ink and paper on stuff that doesn't matter.
well a high school diploma does matter... and everyone should have one, but now a days its the bare minimum, thats why its not special or valued. Same thing sorta of a bachelors, its nessacary for good jobs, but since so many people have them, they are becoming devalued and so masters are more vital to truly succeed than a bachelors is, even though ten years ago a bachelors was the extent of education needed for a good job
I have no degrees or certificates or pieces of paper saying i know anything..

even though iv read many text books on subjects that interest me, i can learn the material for free

i refuse to pay a couple of grand a pop for a piece of paper that says i know whatever subject when i can do the learning, the bit that actually matters for free over the internet

but without that piece of paper the jobs are gonna go to dumber people with money behind them who could afford to pay for the shitty ticket into the workforce

ill end this rant now sorry
^^^^ ive got my diploma and thats it, i would love to have a AAS in natural resources managment and would love to have that just grad feeling you get when you are about to go to college. but i fucked up by not standing my ground and possibly breaking the back door trying to get out to go to school. but it wont change the fact that he is right. today its all about you grab that paper and well it doesnt mean anything we are all the same in the eyes of who ever gets that paper to determine our stance in the job market. id love for some or all of us to be special because it brings back the childlike feeling of wonder and awesome feels of accomplishment.
yes and no, the speech is true but also i listened to the wrong people my parents, phrases like "its harder than you think" "it doesnt work like that" "what ifs" "pfft right" " ha ha ok" "is that what your doing now" when o wasnt doing the impossible i was just living with impossible people who died before they even had a chance to concider they were living.
i wonder why they ask for education level on so many job applications then.

they must like wasting ink and paper on stuff that doesn't matter.

Maybe it's so that this way when they interview someone, they can at least read and print basic English, or to show that they could commit them selfs to accomplishing something.

I might be wrong, I don't know I don't own my own business
if you believed that college was going to make you more "special" maybe you should be placed with the "special" ones

not special just able to do what i want for a living and do it better than allot of people who go to work and go home. o forgot the number one phrase my rents always used" you think you know everything"
not special just able to do what i want for a living and do it better than allot of people who go to work and go home. o forgot the number one phrase my rents always used" you think you know everything"

But my mom says I'm special. Maybe the bitch lied to me.

Again. :-(
But my mom says I'm special. Maybe the bitch lied to me.

Again. :-(

you are just be carefull thats you show it more then the idiots around schools. what he meant was that we all have the same credentials and that we should strive to stand out because no one does.