For all the newbs.....don't believe the hype!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Oh believe me, there are ways one can optimize the grow insofar as yield. But for someone to say that great weed can't be grown on SOMEWHAT of a budget is just plain wrong. Not to say that you can do it with a light bulb and dirt. And the MG haters have been proven wrong time and again. Way too many growers seem to forget what it was like when they themselves were new. A new grower just needs to concentrate on growing out the plants in the easiest, least complicated manner, THEN learn how to refine the process.

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
Hmmmmm. I agree to a point. Simplicity is the order of the day for any new grower. But, quality should never be overlooked. Many people have tap water unfit to grow in...I am one of them. My TDS is 1300 right out of the faucet.

As far as medium, of course, keep it simple, but make it something you can replicate if it works well. I advise ALL new growers to start with Sunshine #4 and 30% perlite. Just dumping a bunch of shit in a pot may work great...but can you do it again without knowing the ratios.

Most people use far too many additives. Again, simplicity and quality rule the day here. I have done alot of nute testing this last year. For ease of use, high yields, and great quality, I prefer Advanced Connoiseur+Big Bud+B-52. A new grower could use just the 2 part Connoiseur with outstanding results. Start simple and add from there. I am NOT a fan of Miracle Grow. If that's all I could get that day I think I'd feed with clear water and call that day a flush day before adding it to my plants. That's, of course, with a soiless indoor settup. I'm sure a good dose of it to plants growing outside in the ground gives good results.

Simplicity is great. But you need to now what you did and be able to repeat it if it worked, or avoid it if it didn't. I have grown perfectly healthy beautiful plants that yielded .4 grams/watt. Then, with a change in nutes, the same plants yielded .75 grams per watt. The smaller plants were perfectly healthy, and I could've gone years without knowing there was something better out there. My point is, you can keep it simple and still try new and different things. That's part of the fun of it, right?

Good luck and good growing to you all. I hope the New Year brings bountiful crops and good times to all.


Well-Known Member





tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I agree with most except that soil or hydro doesn't matter. "each has it's pro's and con's"

Well one of the pro's is that after growing the same plant over and over for years, i can't come anywhere near close to the yields i get with DWC when using soil mixes or coco, that matters to me quite a bit :)


Active Member
Good thread and point well taken, like any hobby things can be tweaked and adjusted to increase performance but with anything we reach a point of diminishing returns. With increased tools and technologies we can increase yield and quality but at the same time clipping our wallets. Grow what you want the way you can and in the end enjoy the fruits of your labor and don't worry about all the nay sayers and how they're growing.......


Active Member

I see so much stuff on Craigslist for sale after people give up after one grow.

It's not easy, but it's not rocket science either. If you enjoy the aspect of the growing, you will have fantastic bud. If you don't enjoy the growing, you will be impatient, get crappy buds, and are better off hitting the dispensary to buy stuff there.

I have learned quite a bit in just two grows. From water only with 4 bulbs, to proper nutes and 8 bulbs with 3 different spectrums.

Start simple, see if you like doing it, then improve your equipment to match your desires.

I make plenty of good bud off my T5 lights for me. And that's all that matters.

4 2 0

Active Member
Great Post! im using a Ph meter, thermometer, pro-mix-and a line of nutes made in canada(150 for 1L's of the whole line) is doing the trick for me and its easy for me to understand.