For all you Americans...


Well-Known Member
chocolate milk, strawberry milk is fucking Bomb!Give it to me in a bag, carton. I don't give a fuck! with that said i drink milk maybe 4 times a month..


Well-Known Member
Thats why i barley drink milk!! for some reason i think of seamen. Milk on ceral and chocalte milk is the only time i use milk

lol, lately when i drink milk, I can't get the image out of my head that I'm drinking a secretion from a gland from an animal, I mean its only a smal symantic misstep away from drinking cowsperm.

P.S. I live in africa and also buy milk in a bag, hopefully not BPA laced.

Yeah, only milk is how mammals pass on nutrients, as where semen is a reproductive fluid. :P

Um num num, I love me some milk.


Well-Known Member
what i don't understand is what if you don't want all the milk at once? you can't store that thing after it's opened can you? and just because you can put a straw in it doesn't mean you can set it down. do you have to hold it the whole time? and isn't light bad for milk? or is that just so hood can charge 50 cents more for a "lightproof" bottle? i don't know if i like this milk in a bag business. too mysterious.

You put it in a jug that stands it vertically, then you cut a couple centimeters off the corner and tip the jug to pour some out. If it's snug in the jug it's impossible for the suction to allow the bag to fall out. It's actually a very efficient delivery method, and is more ecologically/economically friendly.


Well-Known Member
I was going to write something smart but I got nothing
I'm waiting for the rest of my roof to arrive and the motherfuckers said it was going to be two hours
4 fucking hours later and still no roof iron
so I'm chilling on the roof waiting with nothing to do but think about this milk in a bag shit
I like it
I like it alot


Well-Known Member
I was going to write something smart but I got nothing
I'm waiting for the rest of my roof to arrive and the motherfuckers said it was going to be two hours
4 fucking hours later and still no roof iron
so I'm chilling on the roof waiting with nothing to do but think about this milk in a bag shit
I like it
I like it alot

I think modesty is a smart quality. It'll build a roof over your head faster than bravado - you sir deserve a bag of milk. It comes in chocolate and strawberry too.... and the other day I tried hazelnut milk. Hazelnuts are nice. Nutella is nice too, that has hazelnuts in it. What was I talking about? :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
And those big milk bags aren't fooling around, they're a pretty tough chunk of plastic. You can wash 'em out and use them in your lunch the next day, I use them in the shop when I'm working on projects to keep all the hardware together. :bigjoint:

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
Good times putting a few holes in those and chucking it at a friends back or head. lol oh my what milk fights we had! Am i the only Californian that had these? I only did for 2 years though.


Well-Known Member
Today i went to the Arab store and DEMANDED they get milk in a bag. So after I was released from jail I went back to the store, but i wasn't allowed in. Apparently Screaming " You stupid alibaba sand eating son of a bitch! I want milk in a fucking bag NOW!!!" is being disrespectful and frowned upon in some countries.. Fucked up:roll:


Well-Known Member
lol milk out of a carton is so weird, i like my milk in bags, lol only way to drink it
....the fuck you talking about??? Milk in bags??!! Where the hell are you from where they serve milk in fucking bags?! Never heard of such..

We put milk in plastic bottles.. where it should be. Not in bags..


Well-Known Member
Today i went to the Arab store and DEMANDED they get milk in a bag. So after I was released from jail I went back to the store, but i wasn't allowed in. Apparently Screaming " You stupid alibaba sand eating son of a bitch! I want milk in a fucking bag NOW!!!" is being disrespectful and frowned upon in some countries.. Fucked up:roll:
Damn dude that's kinda fucked up. All you were doing was simply yet sternly requesting your milk in a bag. and you get shut out?!!!?


Pickle Queen
lol ok this is too funny, seriosuly they dont sell milk in bags in the USA??
I can't drink it from the jugs or carton the smell is nasty!!
Fuck are bags are even bilingual lol
