For All You Grow Box Haters & Noobs...

0.9gpw is very nice. i can't hate on that. i just don't see it in those tiny buds you got going there. i get over 1gpw consistently and my buds don't look anything like those little guys. one day i'm sure you'll be on my level...i'll just be several levels ahead. :-P no one ever said pimpin was easy!
VERY nice, I'm impressed. I'm sure you'll continue to get better and I'm sure I'll be nipping at your heels. Only thing I've gotta say is coke can (or in my case bud light can) colas are are not tiny buds...maybe smaller than the donkey dicks you've got, but I'm pretty happy.


Well-Known Member
VERY nice, I'm impressed. I'm sure you'll continue to get better and I'm sure I'll be nipping at your heels. Only thing I've gotta say is coke can (or in my case bud light can) colas are are not tiny buds...maybe smaller than the donkey dicks you've got, but I'm pretty happy.
i'm just saying i don't see the canopy thickness in your cab to justify 0.9gpw. you need for it to be pretty dense in there under that light. plus, i don't see any bud light can size buds on those plants. not calling you a liar but i don't see anything on those plants that is more than a gram or two.


Well-Known Member
Not a grow box hater, just a liar bullshit hater. I ballparked the cost, let me break it down more. A decent metal cab is 150 a complete cool tube setup is 150. Add maybe another 150 for the odds and ends and kindergarten hydro bucket and you're at 450 max. Like I said your harvest weights are total fucking lies. I guess you're really going for the noobs cuz anyone who's grown more than about 2 plants in their life could see you're way off. You got at best 6 oz from there and I'm being generous. Good luck peddling your crap
two have got to be blind
i have cabinet from same company and while i have never grown 19 0z ive never had less than 8.... and my grows have NEVER looked that good....why is it on this site the people with the most posts seem to be the biggest assholes?


Well-Known Member
Not a grow box hater, just a liar bullshit hater. I ballparked the cost, let me break it down more. A decent metal cab is 150 a complete cool tube setup is 150. Add maybe another 150 for the odds and ends and kindergarten hydro bucket and you're at 450 max. Like I said your harvest weights are total fucking lies. I guess you're really going for the noobs cuz anyone who's grown more than about 2 plants in their life could see you're way off. You got at best 6 oz from there and I'm being generous. Good luck peddling your crap + Organizers-_-Storage Cabinets-_-52188CHAR&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=52188CHAR&gclid=CNmT_dLsibcCFYtT4Aod0FEAmA

this the CHEAPEST cabinet i found with the quality of mine...700.. most i found were over 1000 fyi


Well-Known Member
yo scooby did you have to shit in his cornflakes? no joke theres no where near an lb in there. i dont hate on any setup period. anyway dude just come out with it already dry weight man