For all you newbie hydro growers...


Active Member
Run to waste DWC in 5gal buckets; independent reservoirs, no recirculation, basic three part neuts from GH (Flora series). This is what I learned with, and I am not only hooked, but not poor from the experience. I'm not saying this is the best, I'm simply sharing my training wheels. (My sig. has my first grow.)


Run to waste DWC in 5gal buckets; independent reservoirs, no recirculation, basic three part neuts from GH (Flora series). This is what I learned with, and I am not only hooked, but not poor from the experience. I'm not saying this is the best, I'm simply sharing my training wheels. (My sig. has my first grow.)
Right on man.
Hey coco,thanks for the response on my unclear post! I was pretty zoned out when I posted,actually passed out in the middle of it! I am doing autos,I think they are the new "in" thing if u will! I made my nft system myself after months of reading,I haven't had the stones to run anything in it yet,have limited seeds and don't want to mess them up(ur probably wondering why im even going nft!)and have done 2 small soil grows since building the nft. I have no time or resources for clones now,& my only hang-up with my nft is starting the seeds in the system! I've read on this site that u can germ the seeds then put them directly into neoprene inserts tail down & they will grow in my separate aero system? I've also thought about trying this with the seeds in a bubbleponics system so the seedling won't get oversaturated. I just want my 24 site nft full of fem autos,I feel it's a waste if I just fill it up & then end up having to cut some out that aren't female,as I've heard even autos have a tendency to be male/herm. Maybe I'm just overthinking things,but I like to be precise! Can seedlings be put into aero/bp system without a medium? It sounds weird to me,but I guess it's possible! I think I have made a pretty good system,but as u said there is a learning curve associated with hydro & I don't fully know what to expect,but if I could just get some plants in it with a good root base I think I could blow my own mind! I just think if I'm gonna spend the time growing,I want to grow the healthiest,biggest buds I can by any means necessary! I mean,why just do anything half way? I appreciate any opinions and suggestions,I've been reading for hours on this site lately(a bit hesitant at 1st)and now am ready to receive help/give help if I can,everyone who smokes should grow their own at one time or another,they'll appreciate the herb so much more! Thanks!


You can put germinated seeds directly into neoprene collars. It is a bit tricky however, and there is significant room for error--- I suggest buying a 99 cent bag of lentils from the grocery store and germinating them and trying it first with them, so you can get the hang of it.

A more common approach is to fill a 2 inch net cup with hydroton. Much simpler, but still has quite a bit of room for error. See if your hydro shop has the very small hydroton. In the small basket with the regular sized hydroton, the seed has a tendency to migrate downwards near the bottom edge of the cup. The smaller hydroton helps mitigate this problem.

If you are nervous about accidentally wasting your seeds in your NFT, then try to grow something else first. I would suggest a crop that is productive early on like lettuce or herbs. Sure, they grow differently than weed, but you will gain valuable experience, and you will be confident about the abilities of your system before you drop that expensive seed in.

Both feminized seeds and autos have a higher probability of turning hermie. The plant's genetics are set in stone once the seed is created, but stress on the plant can force it to produce male pollen sacs. (normal females will sometimes create pollen sacs at the very end of their life cycle. Likely an evolutionary response to propagate the species if no males are available). Causing too much stress to ANY weed plant can cause the plant to grow pollen sacs, but it's most common among feminized and autos. Too much of anything can do it-- stress from improper lighting, temperature, humidity, root zone temperature, pH, PPM, too much pruning, etc. Anything that makes the plant have to do a lot of work to recover has the potential to (but won't always) force the female to grow pollen sacs. (Its like cancer in humans. We know a million things that have the potential to cause cancer. Avoiding them will reduce your likelihood. But not all people who are exposed to these things will get cancer, and some people who are exposed to little or no carcinogens in their lifetime will still get cancer). So you do your best to make sure your plants are not unusually stresses, and cross your fingers.