Kite High
Well-Known Member
wow...people just do not think...if the child is with the abuser and the abuser also sees the message to the child then it will not save anything....more laws...bullshit...laws dont curb shit...look they have gotten really hard on the law books against sex crimes...has it helped anything? no...its is worse than before they made the the laws harder...EVERY TIME the government tries to fix a problem with laws they only make it worse not the drug laws for instanceI still think it would be more affective if adults can see it too. In child abuse cases it is the responsibility of other adults to help the child not the child him/herself. If they really want to decrease child abuse they need to put pressure on the government to increase child protective laws. That means advertising needs to be focused at adults too because at the end of the day they are the ones who are capable of substantial change.
and if you look at the sign it does have a message for adults...just not the same one....the adult doesn't need the "if you are being abused call us we're here to help kids" message do they? ... but these children do need to see a way to get help that the abuser is unaware of
giving the child a message of help that the abuser cannot see is a good thing...I dont care what you think about that