For fun... What's your favorite autoflower strain?

Thank you!!! And I would like to thank @MATTYMATT726 for turning me on to Mephisto genetics!!! Haven't paid much attention to what is going on with them bur I need to get whatever I can from them before I can't!!!
You never got Gold Glues did you? That was the only o e i saw getting retired when Stan said some will so far. Id try to track some down and make seeds of them later. Shit is killer. How'd that Forgotten Cookies taste?
Saw somebody sum up my thoughts on autos perfectly in another thread the other day.

You idiot. You put yourself in the autoflower forum. And on top of that you read down and found this thread. And to top that off, your dumb ass spent the time to type something. Troll.

And I'll tell you one thing "Little Dick". When PGE decides to shut the power off during fire danger and high winds here in Cailifornia for 2-3-4 days in a row, guess who's plants are not herming or affected one bit. This guy with with all the AUTOS. LMAO. No scrambling for generators to run the lights. Don't need them.

It's ok to come out. You know you secretly grow autos just don't want your friends to know. LMFAO