For Heavy Insomnia?

Insomnia is likely caused by something easily fixed, not something worth band-aiding with weed imo.

Exercise - do it, helps about everything following. I'm talking basically daily, at least 30 minutes.

Stress/anxiety - Fix whatever is stressing you out, stop stressing about it. If you can't fix it on your own get help, talk therapy works wonders for just about any mental road block. If those things don't solve the issue you've gotta move on, no reason to stress about things out of your control.

Vitamin d - goes hand in hand with exercising, get in the sun for 30 minutes a day.

Diet - eating trash or too much too close to bed can fuck you up. Lay off the caffeine, sugar and energy drinks, you don't need em.

Routine - go to bed around the same time every day. Turn off the screens and some lights about 30-45 minutes before bed. Read a book, stretch or talk to your spouse, whatever.

Don't be smoking oils and heady stuff a few hours before bed.
Not to belittle your situation but I know you can do it without relying on weed or pharmaceuticals. You've just gotta believe and embrace the work along the way.
exercise and healthy living can cure 90% of people
but some people, still won't sleep.

I'm sorry to hear that PTDS has been keeping you awake. I struggle with insomnia too. It's something that weed helps with sometimes and other times, nothing helps.

This is one thing I do use pharmaceutical drugs for if i have to. I need my sleep.
If it were as simple as staying healthy & resolving stress etc there would be no one suffering from Insomnia. When you have experienced Insomnia you'll try anything life change or other to get one decent nights sleep.
I personally don't like pharmaceuticals for getting to sleep. They give you a good nights sleep but you can guarantee the next night you won't be able to sleep for love not money.
If it were as simple as staying healthy & resolving stress etc there would be no one suffering from Insomnia. When you have experienced Insomnia you'll try anything life change or other to get one decent nights sleep.
I personally don't like pharmaceuticals for getting to sleep. They give you a good nights sleep but you can guarantee the next night you won't be able to sleep for love not money.
I went through some childhood trauma, something that shouldn't happen to kids if you're following.

Seen some fucked up shit, done some fucked up shit, been a bad person to good people, been a good person to bad people... Many regrets and much pain. You're getting that exercise and eating your veggies don't fix those issues by now.

I suggested talk therapy for a reason. It works for what he's going through for most people. Maybe look into mdma therapy sessions, especially if you're a vet.

I have a former Marine buddy who has ptsd from Afghanistan. I've been trying to get him to talk to people other than other service members about shit for years. Dude legit is like Walter from the big lebowski. Homie and I went on a 18 mile trail run with a glock in his camelbak. There are no bears, cats are VERY rare and frankly in March you're in no danger from anyone up to less savory things in the middle of a secluded national forest. Don't think we saw a person other than a ranger that day but I couldn't reason that a gun is totally unnecessary with him.

I've seen similar horrors to what the people that choose to serve see, it sticks with you. Nothing but empathy for op but running from the issues won't get you anywhere but where you started...only more tired this time.
I went through some childhood trauma, something that shouldn't happen to kids if you're following.

Seen some fucked up shit, done some fucked up shit, been a bad person to good people, been a good person to bad people... Many regrets and much pain. You're getting that exercise and eating your veggies don't fix those issues by now.

I suggested talk therapy for a reason. It works for what he's going through for most people. Maybe look into mdma therapy sessions, especially if you're a vet.

I have a former Marine buddy who has ptsd from Afghanistan. I've been trying to get him to talk to people other than other service members about shit for years. Dude legit is like Walter from the big lebowski. Homie and I went on a 18 mile trail run with a glock in his camelbak. There are no bears, cats are VERY rare and frankly in March you're in no danger from anyone up to less savory things in the middle of a secluded national forest. Don't think we saw a person other than a ranger that day but I couldn't reason that a gun is totally unnecessary with him.

I've seen similar horrors to what the people that choose to serve see, it sticks with you. Nothing but empathy for op but running from the issues won't get you anywhere but where you started...only more tired this time.

Amen.. I can really get next to a lot of what your saying brother.. at the same time I know not everybody wants to hear it, or is ready to embrace the pain to get past it.. The shits made me who I am today. I didnt do any military service but have seen more than my fair share of death and violence etc. Eating good, exercise and being open about my past have definitely helped me more than numbing the pain with dope/alcohol/sex or even bud :(.. I am a big advocate for kratom also. I was sober for a year or 2 before I found kratom but it's definitely helped me put the last few remaining pieces of the puzzle together..

Good luck to OP.. keep your head up brother
Amen.. I can really get next to a lot of what your saying brother.. at the same time I know not everybody wants to hear it, or is ready to embrace the pain to get past it.. The shits made me who I am today. I didnt do any military service but have seen more than my fair share of death and violence etc. Eating good, exercise and being open about my past have definitely helped me more than numbing the pain with dope/alcohol/sex or even bud :(.. I am a big advocate for kratom also. I was sober for a year or 2 before I found kratom but it's definitely helped me put the last few remaining pieces of the puzzle together..

Good luck to OP.. keep your head up brother
I think it's very important that you're open with people you're close with, especially your loved ones because they are going to be the most supportive people on your journey through life, let alone this type of stuff.

Whatever remains from what formed us as people is still there. No lie, not a day goes by that I don't think about my past. The difference is how it affects me and the trajectory of my day now. I'm equipped with the tools to conquer my past, present and future.

I too tried "forgetting", problem is your life sober is hell and being fucked up on whatever makes your sober times even worse than they were the day before.

It's not a mental illness to be slightly damaged by the life you've lived but there's a stigma still. Really don't understand why both the people that need help and the people that lack empathy have the same mindset but that's just how it is. Self-empathy/compassion is a slippery slope that once your traveling up it, it gets easier.

I'm the guy in my circle that will address an elephant in the room the second I smell elephant shit down the hall. I keep it real with others just like I do myself. No one dislikes me for it, they know it comes from my love for them. Not gonna act like I'm out here changing the lives of everyone I meet but my words hold up.

You can address your issues in whatever time line you'd like but I'm gonna try to help the first second I can. If it plants a seed towards your success it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. If you're in pain, I'm in pain... just the way I am.
I gotta say my insomnia is not going away ever. I'm a victim of domestic abuse both mental and physical at the hands of my sorry ass step father. I watched the guy punch my mom in the face then throwing her into the fridge spilling its contents. All kinds of shit, got my ass whooped before school in 4th grade for not flushing the toilet after I peed.

I had worse shit done to me as a kid but that shit is too personal to go into, but that wasn't at the hand of my stepdad. All those trauma and the ones I suffered through friends and what not are not the reasons I don't sleep at night. I've learned to accept that the universe is a thing of constant change. Eastern philosophy has helped me find piece in my place in the world but that still doesn't help those restless nights.

And it is super hard to explain unless you know what I'm talking about but it is like my mind won't stop some nights. Even with weed. The thoughts/images of nothing plague the brain. Close my eyes or leave them open no difference.

Hell I was very anti drugs up till I was 15 and I watched my brother and best friend get stoned and then I was like, "fuck it I'll try it." Well that first night sleeping and all those nights I would get high with buddies made for the best sleep I ever had. And I noticed I never had those restless brain nights when I did smoke. Same thing when I started getting drunk in late teens.

Insomnia is also one of the reasons I became an alcoholic, well along with the personal demons I was still fighting then, but I knew alcohol was killing me slowly so I kicked it with the help of weed. Pills do nothing for me from what I've notice from the few times I tried taking them for sleep, even a friend prescription sleep pill did nothing.

Without weed I would probably still have 1-2 nights of restlessness a week with a couple of no sleep nights a month, more on bad/stressful months. With weed it is only 1-5 restless nights of a few hours of sleep a month, most nights it's nighty nighty because I'm stoned to the bone and my mind is quite and able to create dreams to pull me into Narnia.

I agree that if you can find peace without chemical dependency it is ideal, but weed is more than just a sleep aid to me, it is also a spiritual tool that allows me to put my mind where I feel it needs to be. I'm also a little insufferable asshole when I'm sober. I guarantee if I never smoked weed in my life I'd be a salesman or lawyer, lol.
Weed makes me feel less afraid of facing and dealing with things. It calms me while it opens my heart and mind. Childhood trauma can actually change how the central nervous system works over time. I am glad some folks can just talk it away. But a lot cannot. A good therapist is a good thing. But it is all of the tools that actually help people. Yes weed is not going to suddenly make you "better". But it is a very important tool on that journey and a much more useful choice then booze or pills.
It has been my medicine for PTSD for 25 years now. Not a single pill of anything, no matter how many times an "expert" recommended them.
To the OP edibles are great for insomnia. They may not make you go to sleep right away, you might see god first lol but it will make sure you sleep well that night. I use 3-4oz of trim per lb of butter.
Weed , being out in the wilderness, and my dog is the best medicine for me.

Cheers :)
I feel for you all of you. I can’t imagine what some of the stuff mentioned above has effect wise on you. In fairness what quiescent originally listed as a way to treat Insomnia is probably the best advise to anyone who has just started suffering from Insomnia.

That’s technically a good way to live going forward if you have Insomnia, Depression or Anxiety but unfortunately for some people even that is not enough to stop their symptoms.

I’ve had the cognitive therapy treatment, exercise 6 days a week etc but still suffer from boughts of Insomnia. I have no doubts my Insomnia would be worse if I didn’t exercise, eat well & talk openly with friends, family about what’s going on in my life.

There is a history of Insomnia on my mothers’ side of the family so there are a few of us to compare notes. The consensus is that it gets worse with age.

I don’t intend to smoke tonnes of Indica every night in order to sleep. Though that is probably better than getting addicted to zopiclone or some other nasty prescribed sleeping pill. I don’t think that it is the way forward. I intend to find a nice strong lethargic Indica & make RSO to take a very measured dose shortly before bed every night.
my dad wakes up multiple times a night, i have been giving him some rso and that helps keep him asleep, not perfectly, perhaps i should up the dose lol, its only 0.08 to 0.1, mainly because he doesn't want to be semi stoned in the morning.

as for me, im fine as long as im working hard
my dad wakes up multiple times a night, i have been giving him some rso and that helps keep him asleep, not perfectly, perhaps i should up the dose lol, its only 0.08 to 0.1, mainly because he doesn't want to be semi stoned in the morning.

as for me, im fine as long as im working hard
doesnt everyone wake up multiple times a night? I thought that was completely normal.
Here are a few I've had success with so far : Purple trainwreck, Hindu skunk, Purple Kush, Master kush, Granddaddy purp, Diesel, Catpiss, Green poison and a few blueberry hybrids I'd guess.

Some that helped in combination with others: sour diesel, cherry pie, blackberry kush, Kali mist, space queen, trainwreck, strawberry kush, Jilly bean. ( <---these seemed to help some but might be hit or miss still, might provide some relief, it's been a while since I've had a few of these...)

Now if I may list a few that I have heard help with insomnia, but I have not tried myself yet:

Amnesia, butterscotch, herojuana, berry bomb, sensi star47, king loius III, Marionberry, black domina, royal kush, tuskenti, moby dick, rare dankness #1.

I'll list a few more if I think of any, hopefully you can find some relief from one or more of these listed. Cheers.
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Its good to see some 'real talk' in this thread

Big ups to everyone who is sharing and for finding positive ways to cope with life's trials

Like you guys, I carry a heavy past, have had much therapy, and currently use marijuana as medication to cope.

I agree with earlier posters that if you want to sleep, an indica based edible will probably put you to sleep better than any smoke. If you find a heavy smoke that you enjoy, use that to make edibles and it should put you out. If not, eat a bit more, lol.

Also, if you have access to hdma or ecstasy, apparently that has a dramatic effect in curing PTSD (like Quiescent said previously). I also enjoy mushrooms for a brain 'reset', but with the bad trip potential I wouldn't recommend that for PTSD.

And for all the folks who suffer from insomnia because your brain won't stop making noise, try guided meditation. I do it every night before bed and its been a game changer. If you do it right, your brain lets go and its like a brain massage. You will fall asleep before you realize it, and wake up the next day incredibly refreshed. I like the free ones on the iPhone's podcasts like Meditation Oasis and Meditation Station.
So from what I have read CBN is a potent cannabinoid that helps with sleep, which is produced through the degradation of THC, some THC converts to CBD also, but the process is through heat, light and time these are the factors at play that cause the cannabinoid structures to change.

When Cannabis is left to over ripen and allowed to face the elements for a longer period of time it is said to have higher amounts of secondary cannabinoids such as CBN, CBD.

My question is if sunlight or UV light is causing the THC conversion into the ideal cannabinoids that we seek for certain ailments, then would taking a high THC strain and then turning it into qwiso/concentrated extract on a glass tray then after the evaporation process is over, place a bright UV light over the wax in a closed chamber for a certain amount of time maybe 12-24 hrs or so, the wax would have to be thin so that the UV could penetrate but, this could possibly work for people wanting to make higher amounts of CBN.

Any ideas? Has anyone heard of any such processes?
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Just an update on a few strains that came to mind: Ortega, Ak48, triangle kush.

Also I've read that God Bud and almost anything crossed with it can be great for insomnia.