For irish tokers


Well-Known Member
I How much do you pay for weed i pay 50 euro for 4 grams which i think its a rip of but its amazing weed though

I live in ireland how much do you pay.

its more expensive here it seems than anywhere else


Well-Known Member
wats the story man ye payin 50 euro for 3.5 grams of sprayed shit ,not even that good of stuff. fuckin ticks :evil: plan flood where i live with high quality herb...



wats the story man ye payin 50 euro for 3.5 grams of sprayed shit ,not even that good of stuff. fuckin ticks :evil: plan flood where i live with high quality herb...

same 50 for 3.5 of sprayed , bad enough that it mad me stopped smoking , that and college! heading to Dublin on the weekend, already have my friends there on the look-out! ... can't wait :D


Well-Known Member
I read on a thread a while ago sayin that its a mad oil they put on it and it adds 35% weight, ruinin the weed for a few quid extra..... miserable f**kers...



Well-Known Member
I How much do you pay for weed i pay 50 euro for 4 grams which i think its a rip of but its amazing weed though

I live in ireland how much do you pay.

its more expensive here it seems than anywhere else
50 euro for 4 grams in Ireland sounds a bit high.
But everything in Ireland in pricey.
Like fuel, I think your paying about $4.50 for a gallon of gas.
Here in the U.S. A decent bag of Chronic goes for about $12 a gram.

The good thing about buying weed in Ireland is the fact that the laws aren't as severe like the U.S.


Well-Known Member
i get 4 grams for 50 euro.
i live in louth.
But its not sprayed and its probably the best shit i ever smoked but i hate havin to pay 50 euro its like thirteen euro a gram which is about 18 dollars i think which is a lot.

They should have like a weed stockmarket or something


Well-Known Member
i get 4 grams for 50 euro.
i live in louth.
But its not sprayed and its probably the best shit i ever smoked but i hate havin to pay 50 euro its like thirteen euro a gram which is about 18 dollars i think which is a lot.

They should have like a weed stockmarket or something


4 grams for 50 is good man, Im here in the midlands too and the market only shit hash and grit weed. I f your lucky you might get some half deacent stuff, 3.5 grams for 50 euro . Rip off Republic!!! Wish i cud get some good stuff
in dublin its usally around 350 an ounce of good but not great herb and about 100 for an ounce of soap and usally its like 200 for an ounce of pollen but i get it for 120.


Well-Known Member
i get 4 grams for 50 euro.
i live in louth.
But its not sprayed and its probably the best shit i ever smoked but i hate havin to pay 50 euro its like thirteen euro a gram which is about 18 dollars i think which is a lot.

They should have like a weed stockmarket or something
wer bouts in louth paddy:neutral:


Active Member
it varies up here in Belfast sometimes 4 sometimes 4.5 sometimes 5.0 for £50 same with the smoke sometimes get shit but i dont take the grit.its who you know some1 could be selling 4.5 of grit weed and some1 might be selling 5.0 of quality stuff for the same price,


Active Member
Ye, up here in Belfast I'd be getting roughly 1g for £10-15, varies on the person =/ Always shite, and nobody has a clue what it is. Sprayed like fuck as well. Sucks.