For Rep Trivia


Well-Known Member
the catholic church pretty much flipped a bitch during the reformation and asked people to change their ways of painting to be more spirtual or intellectual than before, no more pagan influence, which sadly changed the way mimesis was done... the people looked real, everything looked normal, but then they fucked with color and proportion. see tintoretto, and pontormo


Legal Moderator, Esq.
bongsmilieI wonder if I have special mod rep powers or if that's only the big top peoples, I wanna get blazed and come up with more stuff lol.


Active Member
hahaha i think whoever answers the question right, should post the next question... that would make more sense than whoever wants to give out rep...


Active Member
ive never gotten any rep, and ive given some EXCELLENT advice, and even better tutorials!! as a matter of fact im still waiting for some rep from ganjames.. hint hint nudge nudge lol


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Eh the rep I get from advice and my guides are always gray boxes but after beyond repute it's just for showing off. (there you go)


Well-Known Member
lol i have all my study guides next to me, so i have plenty of questions to chose from. who is El greco and what painting is he famous for?