For shoebox dubtub


Well-Known Member
Started my first grow of some golden teachers. I ordered some sterilized grain bags and a boomr bag from Ordered the spores from Michiganmyco., inoculated the grain on Feb 18, fully colonized by mid March. No contam, which I was very grateful for being my first attempt to grow the sacred fruit. So I mixed the grain bag and the boomr bag around mid march, half n half, split between two shoebox bins. Both took off, within the last couple days, it's fully colonized and starting to pin..I think. I've spotted a few shroom heads starting to form,pretty obvious shape and color, but it's only a very few i can make out. Compared to yesterday, I couldn't see any pins or what even could possibly be pins. these things grow so fast. It just looked like mycelium growing across the top a few days ago, has some mycelium pee show up 2 days ago, very light discoloration, but no contam I don't think. Here's a few shots as of today. I haven't misted a single time. And all I do is open my homemade shroom shelf once a day, and fan each shoebox for a few seconds, and close everything back up. I think it's going well but only time will truly tell. What do the experts here have to say?


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Here we are, two days after fruiting conditions were set, and we have a bunch of little sprouts. Pics were taken just now.


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Yes they are. From what I've read, the heavyweight shrooms in N.W. , however our indigenous ones(N.E) get me where I wanna go. I'm country. The blue foot are blast, laugh your ass off all day long.

Not too far from me. I'm in the mitten. I can't wait to try these suckers. I've eaten my fair share of em back in the day, never grew em before until recently when I wanted to have a trip, and could not manage to find any. So I said I'm just gna grow my own, enough for if I ever wanted to eat em I wouldn't have to worry. Best 50$ investment to date. Shouldn't be too long now until I get something thatll pop it's veil n tell me to eat it. Lmao. I have truffles ordered online from holland, but I didn't get a whole lot off em compared to my mushie trips of olden days. Still have like 40 grams of those. Kinda just waiting for these bad boys to finish up so I can go to the moon! Hahaha.
These are from what I gather, the standard mushie. Golden teacher strain, said to be of decent quality, kinda like an average trip. But I also have spores from jedi mind fuck, and to be honest, I've never heard of this strain before. Tbch, I've never really heard of any specific strain before deciding to grow some. Back in the day, I jus asked my weed guy for mushies and he either had em, or knew where to. But I never cared what they were as long as they got me a fun trip.

Has anybody grown the j.m.f. strain, and if so, how is the trip compared to the golden teacher or b++ strains? Just based off pictures, those would be the predominant ones I think I've had.

Is it like the name suggests?? Is it a true mind fuck? I'd be willing to give those a go, but only if these g.t.'s don't do the trick.
Not too far from me. I'm in the mitten. I can't wait to try these suckers. I've eaten my fair share of em back in the day, never grew em before until recently when I wanted to have a trip, and could not manage to find any. So I said I'm just gna grow my own, enough for if I ever wanted to eat em I wouldn't have to worry. Best 50$ investment to date. Shouldn't be too long now until I get something thatll pop it's veil n tell me to eat it. Lmao. I have truffles ordered online from holland, but I didn't get a whole lot off em compared to my mushie trips of olden days. Still have like 40 grams of those. Kinda just waiting for these bad boys to finish up so I can go to the moon! Hahaha.
Only if you like laughing fits.
Wow. Day 3 of fruiting. Just wow. Already have some veils pulling away. Should I be harvesting them as they pull away or just before? If only one or two is mature, should they be harvested and the rest left alone until they are mature? Or harvest all at once? I'm apprehensive to go and stick my hands in, even after disinfecting and everything like that. So any advice would be much appreciated.


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Yes, go ahead and pick the ones that are ready and leave the others to mature.

And, also, get them right BEFORE the veil breaks unless you want to make prints.

Don't worry too much about sterile but wear gloves when you pick them, IMO.
Wet weight comes to 144.5g and that's uncleaned. I wasn't as gentle as I could have been on the myc. So some of it inevitably came up with the fruit. AND there's well over half left in the tubs that just arent done yet.
Some r aborts, and some are deformed. Need more fae I think.

Also, I don't fully understand the whole dunking and cold shock with tubs to get more flushes, anybody wanta chime in? Should I clean every last itty bitty shroom off of it before dunking? How can I tell when to dunk it? Cuz it seems like new shrooms keep popping up.


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Wet weight comes to 144.5g and that's uncleaned. I wasn't as gentle as I could have been on the myc. So some of it inevitably came up with the fruit. AND there's well over half left in the tubs that just arent done yet.
Some r aborts, and some are deformed. Need more fae I think.

Also, I don't fully understand the whole dunking and cold shock with tubs to get more flushes, anybody wanta chime in? Should I clean every last itty bitty shroom off of it before dunking? How can I tell when to dunk it? Cuz it seems like new shrooms keep popping up.

For me I would pick the majority of shrooms off before a dunk. I’m not sure the water being cold vs room temperature is as important as just rehydrating them for a 2nd flush. I knew it was time to dunk when the edges started to pull away from the bin or tray that I was fruiting them in. I would typically get a lot bigger shrooms on 2nd and 3rd flushes but not as abundant as the 1st one. The cake will float in the water so I usually used a plate or something to hold it under for about 18-24 hours. Lookin good man!
For me I would pick the majority of shrooms off before a dunk. I’m not sure the water being cold vs room temperature is as important as just rehydrating them for a 2nd flush. I knew it was time to dunk when the edges started to pull away from the bin or tray that I was fruiting them in. I would typically get a lot bigger shrooms on 2nd and 3rd flushes but not as abundant as the 1st one. The cake will float in the water so I usually used a plate or something to hold it under for about 18-24 hours. Lookin good man!
Thanks for stopping by with your insight. So as the veil shows me their ready, just keep plucking em until they're not sprouting anymore, then dunk for a day, to put it back in to fruiting conditions? Seems easy enough, other than trying to remove the cake from the tub. Any insight to that task?
The lights just turned on, so here they are after my first "half harvest". I harvested the previous pic early this am. This one's taken a handful of hours later. It's absolutely crazy how fast these grow and mature. Literally afew days. Crazzzzzzzyyyy


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