For the best results. (Post your budshots)


So i am a noob! I need tips and advice dor the sort of equipment i need for maximum potency and yield. Im thinking about growing three planta. Two sativas one Indica. How big of a tent do i need. And what sort of other equupment? I can use maximum 1000$

Possible to get over 100gram dried yield of each plant?


Well-Known Member
You already breaking one rule for maximum yield.

Even light over an even canopy of same strain preferably clones.

- Jiji


Active Member
Heres some shots of my bagseed grow... they are about 3 weeks from done. Full earth juice line and 600w hps cooltube.IMG_20150205_172848_173.jpgIMG_20150205_172852_511.jpg IMG_20150205_172903_417.jpg IMG_20150213_172947_258.jpg IMG_20150213_172850_120.jpg IMG_20150205_172848_173.jpg