For the Experienced!


So i am new to this forum and to cultivation. I have done some digging in past posts to get started but i have a question about exhaust, filters and odor. I have a 2 plant (g13 purple and giga) cfl grow which must remain stealth. I am using 3 walls of the closet and a piece of wood for the top of my "box". The front and remaining wall of my box is a piece of cardboard which hangs to about 4 inches from the floor. I have a fairly powerful exhaust fan mounted to the top which will filter through a homemade carbon filter. Nothing is air tight because i can't permanently alter anything in the room, but i figured it would serve as a passive intake. I also plan to make a ona bucket to neutralize remaining odors. I guess my question is will this be enough to completely neutralize any odors? I appreciate any input.

kevin murphy

New Member
ona pretty strong pal..theres a link on ere for a febreeze bucket ill post it in min it on my thread sumwwere gunna ave use sumat strong for my 64 plants haha


Active Member
I will tell ya, when at peak flower you will no longer be stealth, the smell with permeate any wood or fiber compound and even a small amount of heat from cfls will spread the odor quickly, the ona bucket may help but your passive intake is also a passive exhaust, only forced air intakes are able to keep the smell from escaping b4 your carbon filter. I would suggest sealing that box air tight, putting a 4 inch intake fan on the opposite side of your carbon exhaust and putting about 4-6 ona buckets in the room, light escaping is also a dead give away, if you are truly trying to stay stealth a closet or hidden corner (made to look like a desk or chest of drawers) would be your best bet, but, if smell is your only concern the ona and air control should be enough.


well it needs to be stealth enough so that the grow stays within the confines of my apartment. Lights etc. are fine if they escape under the door or whatever. My concern is that come flowering i am going to be hit with a smell that is uncontrollable. I will not be drying in the same spot so that is not a concern. I regularly smoke in the apartment with absolutely no masking, so some smell is ok. I have neighbors above me and windows which are my concern. Don't want to link to another website, but i built this filter: (Another DIY Carbon Scrubber For less than $40!!). Is a 55 rpm fan in a room 3X4X4 pushing air through that filter with holes in my "box" gonna get the job done? and i already bought the ona liquid, so i will just have to experiment with diluting it to get the right concentration.
Just buy an actual carbon filter for around 200 bucks, the fan will cost another 100 or so. Well worth it. An Ozone Generator will remove all smell completely, about 200 bucks as well. So for a total of about 500 - 600 bucks you'll have the same sort of system I know that works with 4 - 1000W HPS lights and about 50 fully mature plants. Can't smell a thing when walking in the front door. That's basically an ounce of cost for your op but well worth it.