For the experts !!! this cant be normal


Well-Known Member
Dont know if any of you guys was on here yesterday but this is what i was talking about.
my plant is in flowering and is supposed to be ready in about a week but it is growing stems and branches instead of bud. can this be saved or is it totally fucked.
its a lowryder ganja dwarf and its qabout the size of a can of beer

E Scrizz

Well-Known Member
It doesn't have very many leaves to begin with so how can it produce alot of bud? Also It seems based on what you are saying is that it went from budding and now it is trying to go back into veg? If i had ore inf i might be better able to assist and help you out boss

E Scrizz

Well-Known Member
The plant doesnt look liek it has enough fan leaves to promote robust blooms and essential oils that you want


Active Member
it looks like its budding ... but those single leaves are sometimes a sign that it has went back into veg. stage...I know lowryders are supposed to b auto's - but I'd put this lady under 12/12 and see what happens .... that plant is not gonna be ready in a week for sure ...sry .


Well-Known Member
What kinda room setup do you have for that?? Are you growing it in the middle of your bedroom??? What kinda lights do you have?? What kinda nutes u giving it??


Well-Known Member
I've had it on 18/6 the whole time . the light leaks sound like it may be the one. im growing in a tent in my room under a 600w hps. temp high at about 80 -85 and i have either very high humidity or no humidity at all as the meter which reads it is blank. using ionic nutes. made so many fuck ups with this that im suprised it has even grown. the light leakes sound like it could be the one though.

if it has returned to its veg state should i go back to giving it grow nutes or carry on with the bloom
and is it even worth it as the thing has no leaves so from what i gather , no bud

thanks for this peeps


Well-Known Member
Seriously what i would do is scrap it and try to find some clones. You gotta get ur tent sealed, duct tape is a growers best friend.
Oh and if your running 18/6 the entire time, thats what is causing it. Bloom needs to be 12/12 if ur running indoor. Your still giving it veg light, so it's been growing for so long that if it was an auto seed then it switched into bloom, but you didn't switch ur light cycle into bloom. So thats why it never continued blooming buds, it wanted to but ended up re-vegging. You didn't switch the light when your plants flipped themselves.
Whats up with all these auto seeds i've been hearing about, i always do clones. Auto seeds seem like there could be alot of issues with and at least for me seems like people want them because they think they can harvest a crop faster or something, but from alot of what i've read people have a ton of issues with them. Re-vegging, hermie, etc.
But i'm almost 100% sure that the plants flipped, but ur lights didn't. Thats why there is barely any noticeable bud formation.
or try like Jeff said and seal up ur room and switch the lights to 12/12 and see what happens. But don't get ur hopes up.
Not a knock on you man, but i feel like people try to take the easiest way to run a grow, but those people end up with the most problems. If ur a super Noob, really try to focus on the little details. Getting ur environment in check is #1, #2 is getting ur light cycle perfected.
And read, read, read as much as you can. On this forum if you spent enough time you'll learn alot man. And don't just take 1 guys word for anything, contest whatever you read, because there are so many opinions about every possible little thing when it comes to growing, there is never a perfect answer. Just keep reading, about plant life cycles, and what makes a plant a plant. It doesn't take much to grow pot, get the basics down first.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
As said, looks like it might be trying to revert back to veg. Not all autoflowering plants are genetically stable, i know of plants which have not auto flowered at all and have to be put under 12/12 like any normal plant. Could be that it's a bit dodgy and something in your environment or just the genetisc, is causing it to go back and firth maybe. Who knows, won't be done for a LONG time though.

And if it's really an autoflower i wouldn't have thought sealing up the tent would do sweet fuck all, it just wouldn't make a difference. Normal plants, that's another story.


Active Member
I wouldnt scrap it ... I'd just put it under 12/12 ..... all those little branches could be bud covered down the road a bit ... just gonna take longer .


Active Member
clones will be a good thing to do because most people wont clone something thats not worth keeping. seeds you really dont know 100% what you are going to get or even if its going to live find a purp of some sort they have been good for people i know

for bloom lights have to be 12/12 veg 18/6 and half dose nutes unless you know your girls can handle more


Well-Known Member
yeah! your bang on the money with that one, i did by the autos because i thought it would be the easiest and quickest. they said you could leave the lights on 18/6 for the plants whole life and that was one of the reasons i got it as i thought i would be able to just keep putting plants in there without changing the light so i could have some constant smoke.
I'll change up the light cycle tonight and hopefully something will change. shit! the rate i'm going i would just be happy to get a couple of grams 2 smoke

thanks again people, your time is appreciated and i do read up on this stuff constantly but it really does seem to leave my brain as fast as it goes inn. plus the beer and herb probably dont


Well-Known Member
I knew it! Lol. That's ok though. Just flip ur lights and start focusing on the next run. Keep telling yourself (No-Shortcuts). Really try from the start to get all the little things in place. I promise when you really work hard at getting your enviro, nutes, lights all on lock down and you grow some dank buds, you'll be patting yourself on the shoulder.
Keep it up and keep learning!! Don't do things the easy way, do em' the right way. It takes time.


Well-Known Member
autos aren't all bad
just some strains are so new that they aren't stable but are still let out so the company makes money

but i have seen something like it before: check out Dr. Grinspoon in the barneys farm seed catalouge, ill post again if i can find a photo online


Well-Known Member
My beef with them is that if the auto seed is funky or grows weird or hermies and turns male, doesn't even sprout or whatever prolly 80% of the time the issue will be with the seed itself. Which allows you to learn nothing other than the fact that you bought some bad seeds and spent a bunch of time on them.
When you go from clone, you know they are female, you know that roots have already started. So if something were to go wrong, hermie, re-veg, or whatever. The issue will of been with the grower. That being the case if something were to go wrong, you can "learn" what went wrong, because it was your fault and then try to fix it.
Seems like way too many variables involved with autos. If an auto goes bad for whatever reason, what do you learn?? To buy more seeds and hope the next batch works out.


Active Member
That Auto was unstable. Autos dont use 12/12 for any of there life cycle. You got a retarded dwarf that you admittedly abused in the beginning of her life. The plant wont produce no matter what you do. Someone said something about cloning as well I think. You cant clone an auto sorry not gonna happen. got a feeling your light wasnt on a timer for a little while?


Well-Known Member
My beef with them is that if the auto seed is funky or grows weird or hermies and turns male, doesn't even sprout or whatever prolly 80% of the time the issue will be with the seed itself. Which allows you to learn nothing other than the fact that you bought some bad seeds and spent a bunch of time on them.
When you go from clone, you know they are female, you know that roots have already started. So if something were to go wrong, hermie, re-veg, or whatever. The issue will of been with the grower. That being the case if something were to go wrong, you can "learn" what went wrong, because it was your fault and then try to fix it.
Seems like way too many variables involved with autos. If an auto goes bad for whatever reason, what do you learn?? To buy more seeds and hope the next batch works out.
i had a similar argument once with a exhousemate and grow partner who introduced me to autos, i said that photoperiods are tried and tested, alot is known about their life cycle....this is not so true for autos...but since then we have had autos yeild as much as 2.5 ounces per plant.....yes i was amased....but it was done very well, so i gave him props 4 dat 1 on d autos
not only that but you only need 1 grow area and they finish very quickly from seed so you can have plants in evry stage
my advice on autos is to find a strong strain or 3 and breed out seeds from them

a seed is ready for harvest in 8-10 weeks, exceptionally fast