For the ones in College...


Well-Known Member
what ?

put comas in your sentence... and i cant understand a thing... + stoned


Active Member
DWR, you havent even put commas in your sentence, infact you havent even spelt commas right, nor have you even used capital letters. May i be the first to say... owned.

Interesting idea, having never studied biology in detail i couldnt say if the fusion process is similar or not, i would doubt it is, and could you really get enough energy off it to make the process worthwhile?


New Member
DWR, you havent even put commas in your sentence, infact you havent even spelt commas right, nor have you even used capital letters. May i be the first to say... owned.

Interesting idea, having never studied biology in detail i couldnt say if the fusion process is similar or not, i would doubt it is, and could you really get enough energy off it to make the process worthwhile?
Thats how things happen with Idea's.....not saying sperm and eggs are it.....but the fusion of the nuclei.....i think it needs to be looked at...granted it's cellular vs. atomic, but with concepts we can apply concepts in different areas, no?



Active Member
Cold fusion is a myth, if it were possible that would be a nice solution to energy problems. Using biological beings whether through fusion or through growing humans like in the matrix is just unethical I think. Better to research other methods that don't involve living things.


New Member
Cold Fusion is not a myth it is one of the 4 known forms of energy,



High Nuclear (Fission)

Low Nuclear (Fusion)

It has been discovered so to speak, but hasn't been able to be duplicated...

"The idea was brought into public consciousness by an announcement made in 1989 by the chemists Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann at the University of Utah that they had generated excess heat that they believed at the time could only be explained by the occurrence of a nuclear reaction. Their apparatus was relatively simple: a pair of electrodes immersed in heavy water. Early attempts to replicate the effect were unsuccessful after which cold fusion gained a reputation as an example of pathological science."

Second, if you read my reply and actually use your brain, I stated take the CONCEPT OF THE NUCLEI FUSING (FUSION), AND APPLY IT MOLECULARLY SINCE EGG AND SPERM ARE CELLULAR...

Another one who can not harness thought....

DUH, DUH, DUH.........

Do you believe in In-vitro, etc, etc....



New Member
Cold fusion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cold fusion is a controversial effect reported by some researchers to have been produced from nuclear fusion at conditions near room temperature and atmospheric pressure. Early announcements raised hopes of a cheap source of electricity or fuel, but as yet, no reproducible results have gained scientific consensus as to the existence of the phenomenon.
The idea was brought into public consciousness by an announcement made in 1989 by the chemists Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann at the University of Utah that they had generated excess heat that they believed at the time could only be explained by the occurrence of a nuclear reaction. Their apparatus was relatively simple: a pair of electrodes immersed in heavy water. Early attempts to replicate the effect were unsuccessful after which cold fusion gained a reputation as an example of pathological science.
More than 490 reports in peer-reviewed journals have suggested unexplained phenomenon from cold fusion experiments,[1] including nearly 200 published reports of anomalous heat, and over 60 of anomalous tritium production.[2] While many such reports have appeared in non-mainstream publications, research reports in peer-reviewed journals, both positive[3] and negative number more than 1,370.[4]
The United States Department of Energy convened a panel to investigate their claims in 1989.[5] A second panel in 2004 reached similar conclusions, with reviewers identifying basic research areas that could help to resolve some of the controversies, and stating that the field would benefit from peer-reviewed funding proposal and archival journal article submission.

This last paragraph makes me smile as Mr. RP would like to remove the Dept. of Energy....looks like, it is energy, which brings me to the movie the SAINT!



New Member
Here's my conspiracy theory.....

we found it...however, since it will kill the oil/energy industry....Mr. Bush acted like he did his part..looking into it in '04....thanks bud...

Kids in college figured it out......since we have this...

on a gene level.....GO BLUE!!!! UofM.....Gotta love Engineering schools!!!!!

Seven New Cholesterol Genes Discovered - Yahoo! News

as i hear the say no to drugs commercial in the background....followed by the Sarah Conner chronicles....

Like the Knight in the Last Crusade....."Choose, but choose wisely..."

:joint::peace: RON PAUL '08!!!!!


Active Member
You are very rude, and please in the future do not use wikipedia to site as it is not a scholarly resource. I was a bit blanket in my statement, just meant that the experiments done in 1989 recorded SOME heat that was not adequately explained as to where it came from. This you have translated into evidence of cold fusion, while I agree with you that perhaps mainstream science was quick to say it was impossibl, I still do not see cold fusion as probable from a scientific perspective. It would be awesome if it were though, and my point about doing the kind of research to see if one can utilize energy from bio-fusion still seems a bit borderline as far as medical ethics are concerned. I'm not sure if that is a good way to go about attaining energy, perhaps it could be used to regenerate cells however. Feel free to call me stupid now as you obviously didn't want to debate this, you just wanted people to agree with you. I'm a bit confused in your comparison to In vitrio fertilization which involves fertilizing the egg in a petri dish and then implanting in a womb. I do not really see where you were going with that, but if you care to elaborate...


Active Member
Oh yea and I also was confused by what you call the only 4 forms of energy. There are probably kinds of energy that we do not even know about but here's a website from a more suitable source that provdes a brief overview more accurately depicting what we know about energy.

Fission is what we can currently do, it involves the splitting of a certain atom, Fusion is what the Sun does and is a bit more difficult to control and instigate as it requires vast energy but produces vast energy. Cold Fusion would be the fusing of the atoms but instead of at super high temperatures it is at a low or absolute zero temperatures.


New Member
In vitrio fertilization which involves fertilizing the egg in a petri dish and then implanting in a womb. I do not really see where you were going with that, but if you care to elaborate...
I stand corrected attitudinally....

What I mean with if cellularly, nuclei fuse, then we should be able to observe/test etc. what happens....

They are two cells, sperm, egg, no one seems to care about the other 94billion that die off everytime we rub one out.....or the eggs that get naturally disposed of, but essentially are wasted.........



New Member

As far as government controlled document....That one should be burned....

Gravity - (allows energy to be manipulated into kinetic and potential)


Low Nuclear - Fusion

High Nuclear - Fission

Your sun, has an ungodly amount of whatever it uses for fuel, (can't remember right now) If we could take a needle head tip full of what is going on....damn diggity....
