For those of You, that think Humans are the only cause of Global Climate Change


Well-Known Member
This thread is for you:

"Between North Carolina's Cape Hatteras and Massachusetts' Georges Bank, 570 methane seeps cluster in about eight regions, according to sonar and video gathered by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration ship Okeanos Explorer between 2011 and 2013. The vast majority of the seeps dot the continental slope break, where the seafloor topography swoops down toward the Atlantic Ocean basin. [Gallery: Amazing images of Atlantic Methane Seeps]

The Okeanos Explorer used sound waves to detect the methane"

The Earth "Leaking" Methane all over the east coast... the Atlantic ocean cooler than normal, keeping the El Nino at bay....
Do you get it? No Climate change [no warming for 10-20 years now and counting] ...And it's either the Sun's activity, or the Earths activity [Earth quakes... Methane Leaks] in Cycles... that cause the issue...

Carry On...

Personally, Climate change is happening... and humans are part of, not the cause...
Just like a butterfly is part of the cause, and the woodchuck in my back yard is part of the climate change...
For you [any of you] to think otherwise....
Makes you blinded by political bull shit that you have bought into....
Sorry, that makes you gullible...

So.... have the "Settled" Climate Science you believe the cause of Global Warming taken into account these massive methane leaks just discovered?
I'll answer for you, because you might be too embarrassed to admit you were wrong....
No, this is new news... and it sounds like the settled science is off a bit....
Climate change has not been proved to be solely from human activity BUT it is widely accepted that we are (as you said ) in part responsible.

Climate change is NOT good. It happens naturally as well in the past.

Entire cultures have had to abandon their cities and farms because of natural climate chaneg so were all fucked in the long run anyway.

The Anasazi and The Maya are examples. The Anasazi lived in a dry arid climate prone to drought, but they learn how to cope with irrigation and argiculture.

As the civilisation grew, they cut down all the trees in the area, which in turned quickened the change in the enviroment taking place because of climate change, and they had to abandon the area. At the time of their peak, there were twice as many people livign in the area then than now. (around 55 000)

All this a side: Were destroying the entire planet in a thousand other ways at the same time.

It would be better for this planet if our species was wiped out for good.

There is one bit of good news: The depth of the East Coast seeps are so deep that the methane gas isn’t likely reaching the atmosphere. “The methane is dissolving into the ocean at depths of hundreds of meters and being oxidized into” carbon dioxide, Skarke told the BBC. “But it is important to say we simply don’t have any evidence in this paper to suggest that any carbon coming from these seeps is entering the atmosphere.”

try again
plants can evolve and adapt to climate change,, imagine a weed plant that grows like a cactus??? It could happen ,,,,,
cow farts have been getting a bad rap for years.
I am in total agreement....

So which came first.... the methane released from the depths of earth .... or earth warming.... I mean, did this excess methane cause the Atlantic to be warmer? How can the methane warm the water?

What's going on around the globe... Earth quakes.... floods.... Oh my....

Cows and methane.... hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
Now if you really want to have some fun, follow the breeder into the cow lot...