Well-Known Member
Yeah we happened to just get a 4 page packet on drugs and alcohol abuse today, focused mainly on drugs. Talked about how there are increasingly more and more ways to pass a test and said that the company is now working to combat that and are changing up some of the ways they do their testing, blah blah blah.
So it turns out there was some sort of field incident last week where a worker was busted trying to use the quick fix. Well it so happens that another worker who happens to be in the shop, he's actually one of my buddies, he's been screwing around with xannies lately and I guess he overdosed on them last Saturday and had to get a blood transfusion, so he's still a bit screwy so they gave him the week off, who knows if they'll let him come back. But he's one that's been getting tested left and right and been passing.
I'm honestly thinking that the field guy who got busted was a mistake on his own part, but now these 2 situations occurring all the sudden is gonna fuck people like me who have been staying under the radar.
It should get interesting from here on out! There are a lot of hard, well working potheads with this company who use the quick fix.![]()
Ya man goddamn all that sounds so shitty and familiar. I never ever smoked at work, even though the crackheads were hotboxing shacks on site. But yet always knew I could get nailed for smoking a joint back in my hotel room or at camp. Fuck some camps they had drug dogs coming through on the regular.
Funny how crackheads and drunks can get blasted everyday, even while at work, but it is us who smoke weed outside of work hours who need to worry.
As much as I might sometimes miss the paycheck I sure don't miss that lifestyle.
Goodluck to ya man. It is always one idiot in the field who fucks it for others.