For those who rely on synthetic urine to pass drug tests

Yeah we happened to just get a 4 page packet on drugs and alcohol abuse today, focused mainly on drugs. Talked about how there are increasingly more and more ways to pass a test and said that the company is now working to combat that and are changing up some of the ways they do their testing, blah blah blah.

So it turns out there was some sort of field incident last week where a worker was busted trying to use the quick fix. Well it so happens that another worker who happens to be in the shop, he's actually one of my buddies, he's been screwing around with xannies lately and I guess he overdosed on them last Saturday and had to get a blood transfusion, so he's still a bit screwy so they gave him the week off, who knows if they'll let him come back. But he's one that's been getting tested left and right and been passing.
I'm honestly thinking that the field guy who got busted was a mistake on his own part, but now these 2 situations occurring all the sudden is gonna fuck people like me who have been staying under the radar.
It should get interesting from here on out! There are a lot of hard, well working potheads with this company who use the quick fix. bongsmilie

Ya man goddamn all that sounds so shitty and familiar. I never ever smoked at work, even though the crackheads were hotboxing shacks on site. But yet always knew I could get nailed for smoking a joint back in my hotel room or at camp. Fuck some camps they had drug dogs coming through on the regular.
Funny how crackheads and drunks can get blasted everyday, even while at work, but it is us who smoke weed outside of work hours who need to worry.
As much as I might sometimes miss the paycheck I sure don't miss that lifestyle.
Goodluck to ya man. It is always one idiot in the field who fucks it for others.
Cheers :)
X union boy here too used to carry quick fix in the lunch pail.

Its funny my last pre employment
I thought i had it way to hot

Turns out i was too cold haha lady said it was 94

And after some polite convinving by me she reluctantly said she would send it in but wouldnt sign off on the temp haha

My excuse was i set it on the cold counter while i finished pissing and liquid is an excellent thermal conductor lol
Heavy construction worker here as well-@nugheuser the synthetic gets detected now-get clean urine from a friend & put it in a small plastic container(i use a finger nail polish remover bottle)put handwarmers around it like txpeanutt said-they give you from 90°-100°-keep it in your truck or toolbox bro -been doin it for yrs-
P.s. your ocean grown gear looked killer
X union boy here too used to carry quick fix in the lunch pail.

Its funny my last pre employment
I thought i had it way to hot

Turns out i was too cold haha lady said it was 94

And after some polite convinving by me she reluctantly said she would send it in but wouldnt sign off on the temp haha

My excuse was i set it on the cold counter while i finished pissing and liquid is an excellent thermal conductor lol
Man there sure is a lot of union hands on this site..Lol I can’t say I’m die hard though I work both sides of the fence.. Welders are like prostitutes who ever pays the most is where u will find me ....Lol
Ha ha well up here there only like 4 major shops in my trade.

So its not how good you are or what you know.

Its how often do you go drinking with the boss
And how well the" team "likes you
Its not what you know but who you BLOW

And i refuse to dumb myself or my trade down so i get ridiculed
Ya man goddamn all that sounds so shitty and familiar. I never ever smoked at work, even though the crackheads were hotboxing shacks on site. But yet always knew I could get nailed for smoking a joint back in my hotel room or at camp. Fuck some camps they had drug dogs coming through on the regular.
Funny how crackheads and drunks can get blasted everyday, even while at work, but it is us who smoke weed outside of work hours who need to worry.
As much as I might sometimes miss the paycheck I sure don't miss that lifestyle.
Goodluck to ya man. It is always one idiot in the field who fucks it for others.
Cheers :)
Right. Yeah I never smoke before or during work. The work that I do requires me to be on top of it so I don't take chances. Honestly, and this is kind of beside the point but for about the past year I've been ready to say fuck the place and find a new job. So it is what it is. I'm planning on getting some of the quick fix 6.2 in a bigger bottle because now they're requesting multiple samples of urine at the screening if they suspect anything. They're also now having the safety director drive us to take the test as soon as were picked, without any warning. They use to tell us to go whenever as long as it's during that week. Whatever. Fuck em.
Right. Yeah I never smoke before or during work. The work that I do requires me to be on top of it so I don't take chances. Honestly, and this is kind of beside the point but for about the past year I've been ready to say fuck the place and find a new job. So it is what it is. I'm planning on getting some of the quick fix 6.2 in a bigger bottle because now they're requesting multiple samples of urine at the screening if they suspect anything. They're also now having the safety director drive us to take the test as soon as were picked, without any warning. They use to tell us to go whenever as long as it's during that week. Whatever. Fuck em.
Ive been on scaffolding & looked down & a minivan pulled on the jobsite & 3 lab techs got out & pulled us right off the scaffold to test us-its getting ridiculous
Right. Yeah I never smoke before or during work. The work that I do requires me to be on top of it so I don't take chances. Honestly, and this is kind of beside the point but for about the past year I've been ready to say fuck the place and find a new job. So it is what it is. I'm planning on getting some of the quick fix 6.2 in a bigger bottle because now they're requesting multiple samples of urine at the screening if they suspect anything. They're also now having the safety director drive us to take the test as soon as were picked, without any warning. They use to tell us to go whenever as long as it's during that week. Whatever. Fuck em.

WOW ya that is retarded. I was on a deep (6000m+) , sour gas, high pressure well, drilling rig and they didn't pull that shit. The one time I did lose my job because of weed we were even warned there were gonna be piss tests when we came back from spring breakup. I stopped smoking when we went back to work. A week later we were told they were coming that day, we all started drinking the water, I was the heaviest user and after many tests being done and being told I was too diluted, I failed on the one I wasn't lol.
Even my tool push at the time was pissed off about that one. I moved on to bigger and better rigs for a few years then got rushed to the hospital for filling the toilet with blood one shift.
It has been a 5 year nightmare ever since and is why I am "terminally ill" at 37. Ahh the big "legit" bucks....
Cheers :)
Ive been on scaffolding & looked down & a minivan pulled on the jobsite & 3 lab techs got out & pulled us right off the scaffold to test us-its getting ridiculous
Down south u can’t be working for a scaffolding company unless u Mexican..Lol. No offense
Ha ha well up here there only like 4 major shops in my trade.

So its not how good you are or what you know.

Its how often do you go drinking with the boss
And how well the" team "likes you
Its not what you know but who you BLOW

And i refuse to dumb myself or my trade down so i get ridiculed
Down here it’s the same way bro .. I’ve been lucky so far that when I was an apprentice I made a name for myself doing there Welding competitions so I can still get a job with them but I’m still an outsider since I’m not with the click... Fuck the click crowd....:spew:
Heavy construction worker here as well-@nugheuser the synthetic gets detected now-get clean urine from a friend & put it in a small plastic container(i use a finger nail polish remover bottle)put handwarmers around it like txpeanutt said-they give you from 90°-100°-keep it in your truck or toolbox bro -been doin it for yrs-
P.s. your ocean grown gear looked killer
Thank you for the kind words! I was pretty impressed myself being only my second grow.

How long does the real piss last? That may be my best option, just have to make sure I always have it on me and that I'm re-uping on it before it goes bad.
Ha ha what do you do when caught with a fake dick lmao just saying not aimed at you just funny haha
My buddy was just telling me a story yesterday of one of his buddys getting caught with one of those by his probation officer, the p.o. was not amused but the story was hilarious lol
WOW ya that is retarded. I was on a deep (6000m+) , sour gas, high pressure well, drilling rig and they didn't pull that shit. The one time I did lose my job because of weed we were even warned there were gonna be piss tests when we came back from spring breakup. I stopped smoking when we went back to work. A week later we were told they were coming that day, we all started drinking the water, I was the heaviest user and after many tests being done and being told I was too diluted, I failed on the one I wasn't lol.
Even my tool push at the time was pissed off about that one. I moved on to bigger and better rigs for a few years then got rushed to the hospital for filling the toilet with blood one shift.
It has been a 5 year nightmare ever since and is why I am "terminally ill" at 37. Ahh the big "legit" bucks....
Cheers :)
Goodluck to you man!! It's pretty ridiculous some of the environents we have to work in with these trades, I'd kind of like to get out of it. Statistally in the trade and even more specifically, the company that I work for, most everybody who's retired (life long with the company) are dead within a couple years. Always respiratory system related, of coarse along with arthritis, broken down bones ect from all the heavy lifting.