For those who support the war on terror


New Member
Your a doof. The first two examples you gave seemed like the type of things you would put on your credit card if you didn't have the cash. Car repairs? Why would you be driving if you sit at home and get your money from the gov? Student loans? Aren't most deferred until after college, when you should be making more money, unless you majored in some crackpot major like lib arts or journalism? Money is so easy to make that anyone who disagrees should try adopting a new mindset. I think I can, I think I can!


Active Member
Just so you know the UN is very dependent on the US for transportation. We are the only military in the world than can so freely transport troops or supplies to anywhere in the globe. That is probably why we get those 'contracts.' The US generally provides majority of the transport on peacekeeping missions with preferring not to commit tons of soldiers.


New Member
When I read that America gets the majority of UN contracts, it only went to show how business savvy we are, as a nation, since these contracts no doubt go out for bid. You win the bid, you get the contract.


New Member
When I read that America gets the majority of UN contracts, it only went to show how business savvy we are, as a nation, since these contracts no doubt go out for bid. You win the bid, you get the contract.
UUUHHH, unless you are a friend of the Bushies, then it's no bid contracts for you. Brown and Root, Haliburton, Blackwater, Etc.


Well-Known Member
When I read that America gets the majority of UN contracts, it only went to show how business savvy we are, as a nation, since these contracts no doubt go out for bid. You win the bid, you get the contract.

The UN is in the US and if you understand that the UNs contracts are mostly for its self then you will understand that most UN contracts are carried out within the US.
That gives the US more than a bit of an edge.


New Member
I don't think that's accurate, that most UN projects are located in the US. It seems absurd actually. I'll research and respond.


New Member
Yeah, I was right. The biggest allocation goes to Un headquarters, of which there are four, only one in the US. Then Africa, which gets roughly half of headquarters, then the Americas, South East Asia, etc... Typical bureaucracy, making sure to fund itself, and royally,before performing the intended mission.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I was right. The biggest allocation goes to Un headquarters, of which there are four, only one in the US. Then Africa, which gets roughly half of headquarters, then the Americas, South East Asia, etc... Typical bureaucracy, making sure to fund itself, and royally,before performing the intended mission.
If you check you may find that the UN workers grew by 2/3rds from the oil for food scam. After saddam was booted, things were reorganized and the UN [in the US] has had a hell of a lot of construction going on and hundreds of contracts have came from this.

The big money part of the UN bureaucracy is in the US the rest is more of an after thought.


New Member
Geeze it's so good to see you too fighting over such bullshit, CCodiane and May. That leaves the rest of the forum open for some serious debate,~LOL~. You two are usually sucking on the same teat, what's up, a little domestic violence happening. what a couple a dorks.


New Member
Transforming....from..... Fight....mode...transformed

You need to talk to TLO about fighting, he's the boxer on site. But your right, I can't debate with a brick, so fight it is. If you had a brain, you'd probably take it out and play with it, Anyway I'm tired of your mindless games, Take it up with someone that really gives a shit what you think, I don't.


New Member
I'd rather fight with my arch enemies, much more interesting. Why don't you just put me back on ignore.
I think you are right about the ignore thing, but I like to watch others destroy your posts also, so I will continue to peruse your brain farts and the joy it gives me to see some actual intellect destroy your mindless drivel, adios dipshit.