forcing grow methods


hello RIU!!

i just wanted to say, im getting tired of other growers and the constant battle between T5's/cfls vs MH/HPS.
If you prefer one over the other, you can voice your methods on what works for you but don't force others to grow the way you do.

That's all thanks everyone!

Happy growing!!! :)


Well-Known Member
LMAO! Everyone will be partial to their point of view...ultimately you decide for yourself what you prefer. I understand what you're saying as it can be very annoying but unfortunately you can't stop people from trying to impose their will on others...gotta just laugh it off.
I've been trying to grow by lighting bolt flashes, just slow as fuck being winter and all. I'm thinking about trying candles next, set like 6,000 of them in my tent...or use 45,000 christmas lights.



I've been trying to grow by lighting bolt flashes, just slow as fuck being winter and all. I'm thinking about trying candles next, set like 6,000 of them in my tent...or use 45,000 christmas lights.

about that candle thing it wouldnt work fans WILL blow them out regularly and you need to use a COLEMAN LANTERN!

and a buddy of mine said he went from seedling to harvest when two bolts hit his house he didnt even have to trim dry or cure



Well-Known Member
hello RIU!!

i just wanted to say, im getting tired of other growers and the constant battle between T5's/cfls vs MH/HPS.
If you prefer one over the other, you can voice your methods on what works for you but don't force others to grow the way you do.

That's all thanks everyone!

Happy growing!!! :)
Oh my . You are finally getting it. For every question asked here , it is all just opinion. Everyone has their own. Everyone should be reading and make up their own mind. Stop asking every little question that comes to mind. Just because something works well for me , doesn't mean it will work best for you. Educate yourself . GOOGLE or BING everything . YouTube can be a big help also .


strobe lights work really good for the get up and move factor
but still think you will find the best way to grow it is to pee on it
works wonders


Well-Known Member
A picture of the sun...DAMN you're good. I guess you wouldn't need any mylar but would you need an air cooled hood with that and how close could you place it without burning?


Well-Known Member
i've been experimenting with ground, dirty diapers as an organic soil amendment. i'm very encouraged. thinking forward, i may grind up the babies with the diapers to see if that can boost my yield.


Well-Known Member
A picture of the sun...DAMN you're good. I guess you wouldn't need any mylar but would you need an air cooled hood with that and how close could you place it without burning?
Oh yes definitely air cooled hood.

Its about 6miles away from the tops. Lol.



Well-Known Member
You guys are so so very wrong.

A picture of the SUN is all I need to hang in my grow room.

4lbs a week harvest.

Why not line the room with a bunch of mirrors. That way there would be many pictures of the sun. You know, like that bruce lee movie. You'd probably double ur yield, at least!


Well-Known Member
Why not line the room with a bunch of mirrors. That way there would be many pictures of the sun. You know, like that bruce lee movie. You'd probably double ur yield, at least!
Ah yes MR HAN and his mirror room.

Its the art of fighting without fighting.

In my case the art of growing without growing. Lol.



New Member
hahaha and the whole street got stoned 2,fire men was using the hose to stop the spread of drymouth