Forcing to flower...need help

mr west

Well-Known Member
Ive never used either of the nute urv said about so i really dont know. I personaly use canna tera and canna vegga for my girls. If u wanna see my buds look in my gallery.


Active Member
im going to post more pics in a few days to show you the progress and hopefully its better than worse, but checked my clones a few mins ago and they we like turning yellow is that normal ?

mr west

Well-Known Member
kinda yeah but its not a great sign, I made a clone dome out of half a coke bottle and it worked wonders for my clones, just cut a 2 litre bottle in half and sit it on top of the soil with the clone inside.


Active Member
soil.? youcan cut them dip them into rootech or somethingand then right into soil?? really? i thought they needed to be in water. i have a grotech thingy is that what your talking about in retro spec really and they grow well in soil in a dome huh? how bout humidity how did that stay in there you keep a light on them 24 hourrs or 18/6 ? that would prolly save me time and money or do they grow slower in soil? a little help with cloning wouldbe so appreciated. OMG my plant IS FEMALE i spotted 2thin white hairs towards the top nice now i know all my clones will be female. sweeeet plzhelp this is great news!

mr west

Well-Known Member
you can, after u have cut the clones and scored the stalk just put em in a hole in the soil. If theres moisture in the soil it wil keep the humidity in the dome. I would have them on 18/6 but u could have them on 24/0 just keep an eye on them to make sure they dunt dry up.


Active Member
what if i cut them and stuck em outside in the sunlight? no.? or can i put them in a 12/12 area to get better light?


Active Member
This is probably a little late, but I'm actually flowering right now with CFLs. Everybody told me it would be a waste of time, but it was all I could afford to do since these plants were basically forced upon me by one of my friends. I couldn't just leave them like that.... I saw the lil look in their... nevermind.

So anyway I have four 42W CFLs that produce like 2700 Lumens each, giving me 10,800. I am quickly learning that this is probably only enough light to flower one plant so i will probably end up adding 2-3 more to it. You have to make sure that the entire plant gets blasted with light. With CFLs, you have less heat and you can put them at least an inch or two away from the plant. Check on them peridically and if you see the tips of the leaves starting to turn to a lighter color and curl up, then i'd back it off just a tad bit.

Right now i'm going to experiment by putting each pot into its own milk crate and attaching the CFLs to the sides with one hanging over the top so that each side is illuminated properly. If the entire plant isn't being lit it won't grow equally, you'll know because some parts will look like they're developing faster than other parts (i.e. big top vs. small bottom). If you have a plant growing straight up with one main cola, then its a lot easier. One of my plants one main cola with two big branches shooting out making it wider. Harder to light that whole plant. The other one has one main cola. That one is a lot easier to manage and light.

If I had the money to get a light i'd probably do that, but until then this is what i'm working with and it seems to be working so far. I'm going into my third week of flowering and its coming along. Hindu Kush

mr west

Well-Known Member
wow i was getting lonely in this thread lol. Got any pics? Maybe start ya own thread and post them, im sure the board can help u with any problems u might expirence. Good luck man.


Active Member
lol sorry i didnt mean to make you feel lonely lol....ok well the plant is looking so much better and the fact that i counted over 12 pistils is amazing! this plant will bud fine but i think i might change the way my lights are setup, by using gardenknowm's lighting setup. Im moving the box tomorrow to a safer growing environment, so i can improve this grow a little more. I just bought a bigger container to clone out of.

Im using 2" neoprene inserts from the hydro store , my QUESTION is how big a hole do i need to drill out to fit those 2" discs in snug without no light popping through?

mr west

Well-Known Member
I was only lonely cuz it was jus you an i and noone else has written a thing in this thread. I was hopeing for a more expirenced grower to come and stick thier oar in lol its cool but im still learning too and i dont want to single handedly mess up ur grow by giving duff advice lol. As for disks and hydro stuff im have no ideas, i aint got round to trying that yet lol.