Forest Growing


Active Member
Im looking at growing in some dense forest area that's my only option. I there an easy way to kill/poison some trees to let light in? Also im thinking i will use a bunch of grow bags and bury them in the soil. Also i will probably use the soil that is there as it is a forest and is probably good. What do you guys think? Also i don't want to have to check on them but once a month or so. Whats my best plan of action. I plan on planting seeds in the next few weeks and hopefully they will be monsters come October.

Also am thinking of ordering from as they seam to be by far the cheapest.


Active Member
What ever is strong enough to kill trees will kill your babies... also will standout like a sore thumb to over headflights... ex aviator speaking.... try and find cosouth facing treelines and plant 2 to 3 feet back under edge....