FORGOT to put spreader matt down help


Hello lads im wk 6 into flower and havin major issues with root rot lost 4plants aldrea using nft 901 2.2m trays had 4 on one tray (phatt fruity) roots have been white as white can be all the way untill last week, lost my monster middle plant i have 2x600's above each tray and i have another 2trays with 8 in each was doing a space test see how many suited a tray...

HAS any one every forgot to put the spreader matt down before and got away with it because it seems like my roots are giving up im using cannzyne all the way through, but my tray with 3 left on it is all dying and my 2 trays with 8 on are starting to root rot going horrible yellow brown.. im worried my whole crop will fall...

Check out the sticky in the DWC bubbleponics section for heisenburgs tea. 100% chance of curing rot when done right.
I use the gt 424 and the gn 604 with and without the spreader mat. The main difference ive noticed is the roots dont grow back up the table without the mat. I dont think thats your issue. I have had the brown roots like your describing and its usually caused by pythium or root rot. Due to high water temps. YOu can use Orca, Rapid start, Roots excelurator--will bring your roots back, piranha, tarantula. Also an enzyme like hygrozyme, sensizym, or dm zone(will work also but it kills beneficials.) If your running totally synthetic you can add hydrogen peroxide at 5-15 ml to the gallon and that will help your roots also. Ive been using flo and brew compost tea from extreme gardening with great success also--the plants take off when given this tea. It doesnt get much cheaper than compost tea for benificial bacteria and fungus. They also have something called Mykos drops for hydro, rockwool, and Aero and im giving that a go this round also. Any one of the above will work and some of them in combination with each other really kick ass and give some superior root growth. More roots= more fruit. Good luck- wonka