Forgot to turn the pumps back on!!!


Active Member
ok, im 6 days into a 10 day flush and this morning i realized i forgot to turn the pump from my res to my plants back on.the pump had been off for like 24 to 36 hours before i turned it bak on. my question is since my plants have gone a day or so without flush water, should i keep flushing a day or so longer, or just chop em down on schedule?


Well-Known Member
Did you check your temps? Was the o2 off as well? My concern would be damage to the roots in that case. I would flush as planned and cut when you are ready.


Active Member
no actually my co2 tank ran out the day i turned the pumps off to change the flush water and i pulled the temps in the room down to like 77-79 with the co2 not being there.


Well-Known Member
How do the roots look? Any brown or slime? That is what I would look out for but you seem close enough to harvest unless the Slime exploded you should be fine to cut on schedule.


Active Member
the bottom of the roots that sit in the little bit of water that is always left in my buckets are brown,but not slimey at all. actually u can feel a little grittyness like the breakdown in the bottom of a res. i think they are brown because of the floranova and the other thick brown G.H. products i use. that is possibly a cause for the bottom tips to be brow is'nt it??? no slime tho.