Forgot to turn timer on...

Ok so I have 22 seedlings I popped on the 18th of march. Vegged a week and started 12/12 on the 25th. So they've been 12/12ing for 3 days now.

Long story short I purchased another timer, set it and forget it. But I forgot to turn it from "off" to "on" so that the motherfuckwer would work. I just got up awhile ago and went in my room and saw light coming from my cab. I turned them off. They were on for around 18 hours.

So will this stress out my crop and screw them up?


Well-Known Member
doubt it. might confuse em for a day or 2 but im thinking @ 3 days 12/12 your not even sexed yet, never mind in flower with calyx's.....
id just set the timer for 12/12 and let it come back on when its supposed to... now if you were 7 weeks in flower, id be worried ;)
I was hoping someone would say that. Thanks for the reassurance. Just kinda pissed me off I forgot to turn it on. Gotta stop smoking and gardening at the same time... heh


Well-Known Member
Nope no need to woryy AT ALL
ive done it myself more then once and all is fine, although the feeling in ur guts wen u do it never gets better
So keeping them on there regular schedule will be fine? on 1030am 0ff 1030pm In this case they came on at 1030am and I turned them off around 430am. So just proceed as normal with only 6 hours of darkness?


Well-Known Member
Gotta stop smoking and gardening at the same time... heh
haha for sure... i used to get stoned before id work on the plants... found out id do all sorts of stupid shit, over water, over fert, etc etc... now i smoke after i do any work, and admire it, lol. that way im not trying any hairbrained shit out or forgetting stuff. last time i did something stupid i forgot to plug my ballasts back in after a cooldown period for my motherplants... they had been in veg ofr a good 18months. well i didnt notice for 28-32 hours and in that time they stretched 2-3 inches and started spitting out pistils everywhere... so basically i lost a few good moms... enough to piss you off. out of 8 moms, only 2 were worth budding, as the other 6 would have had just too many nodes to bother budding. too many budsites is worse than anything IMHO, as the plant will starve itself trying to flower 100 buds so to speak. you can get away with it in hydro, but its hard in soil. you end up burning the roots trying to feed the damn things, or to avoid burning you dont feed them heave and they lose all there damn fan leaves anywqays to defs....

so yeah, anyways, moral of the story is dont toke in the grow room till the work is done, lol.
Yea funny you mention that about too many bud sites. I have a plant with 1-2 weeks left that I vegged a month with heavy lst, flowered it then revegged it for 2 months. Now it's in a 5g bucket(soil) with 45 tops last time I checked. They are all wider than a bic lighter and fattening up. But I think I stopped feeding too soon. My fan leaves are looking shitty, real shitty. I'm kinda not looking forward to trimming this thing. It's not the 45 tops that scare me, the bajillion popcorn buds that reside just below the canopy. it got to a point where it was impossible to trim up below the canopy because growth was so dense. Lesson learned.


Well-Known Member
same lesson learned here, lol
well for me, anyways.
fdd2blk does some soil container grows that amaze the shit out of me... but he has a much better grasp on plant nutrition than i do.
someday ill catch up