Fort Bragg GROWERS


Well-Known Member
Wanted to hear some of your guys' experiences growing/living in this area. Specifically, outdoor and greenhouse. Looking at relocating from the 530 so I'd love to get some tips on how to pull it off in this coastal foggy environment.

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Go into the local dispensary (Herban Legend) Those gals are very knowledgeable, and will get you on the right track. I've spent a lot of time in that little town, One of my favorite areas of CA.


Well-Known Member
A good friend of mine lived in Eureka. Had a dispensary in Arcata. His advice: If you are right on the coast, go indoors. Sealed environment, Sulfer stove. CO2 burner. Dehumidifiers. Otherwise stay several miles inland.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'd be about 7 miles inland. I know the yields would be considerably less in comparison to the non stop sun of the Sierra foothills. But the idea of letting me diesel go all the way is very enticing. Thanks for the herban legend tip!


Well-Known Member
It is very hard to grow near the coast. Growing inland is much easier as far as beating mold. Make sure u have everything covered by the time they start budding and get some fans u will probably have to pull a lil early and lose some to mold. Btw I should mention that I'm only about 6 miles from the ocean near blue lake ca.


Well-Known Member
thanks nh22…i actually got a chance to go up and walk the property, which happened to be at 900-1000'. Watched the fog roll in just under the property may be a few hundred feet. Im thinking about sealed greenhouses w c02? supplemental lighting? obviously I won't beat the fog every time, but the prop owner said if it does reach the property line it usually burns off quick. Still, a week of foggy conditions in oct could reek havoc on a crop.


Well-Known Member
Good luck over there grower. its so beautiful I'm kind of jealous you're moving there and I'm not.
Thanks MM I was blessed with 80ac in el dorado, now I'm going to 100+ in mendo. Very excited to play with virgin land, if you know what I mean. However I don't see 5# plus plants happening, I'll tell you that. TOO many redwoods lol. The 530 has been good to me, but FUCK star thistle ahahaha. My neighbor told me its supposed to be 104 on monday! Ill be looking forward to missing out on those days for sure!