Fort Mac Fire

Here are a couple quotes from captions posted by some of the FF I am seeing:

Like a war zone..... advance..... attack...... fall back..... reinforce..... attack..... and unfortunately in some cases, retreat..... or drop everything, abandon gear and escape.

Rest when and where you can..... (picture of a FF disrobed and sleeping on the asphalt near a pump truck, other FF are working around him)

Always had back up..... I have never been more proud to serve with my brothers and sisters.....

Overwhelming at times.... (a whole street complete with cars is up in flames)

In regards to posts of reinforcement :
Fellow firefighters, engines, ladders, tankers, wildland units, monster aircraft crash trucks, bulldozers, track hoes, command and support units from too many departments and agencies to list showed up like the cavalry within hours and are still showing up day and night..... has been an incredible show of solidarity and humanity!

(A few blocks left in ash, the only thing recognizable in the photo is the asphalt of the street in the middle of the pic, up ahead you can see where it branches off into what was a cul de sac):
Words cannot describe what has happened..... to my colleagues and friends who have lost so much, I am so sorry.
Not for one second has any firefighter hesitated for the next assignment. It has been the opposite, eager to get to the next one and not pleased to be waiting in turn. Many of our members have lost their homes and yet they are jumping into the next truck heading out...... words cannot describe that either!

Wish I could post up these pictures, worth a thousand words and all.

You are ONLY the second person to talk about fighting the fire and you're not the news!

I dont have TV. CBC has covered a bit but no justice from the media of the efforts. I dont think they have anyone @ ground zero. I have been getting all me info from my brother.

Think about it though. If war and murder on a global scale happens because of oil, dont you think the giants would pour those resources into saving their facilities and ultimately their seat of power that is their claims the plants and mines are situated on? They are doing what they can.
What are they planning to do for containment and extinguishment? And what's the projected date that they expect to have it put out, if at all?

I dont think there could be a date. the plan would be something like; contain as much as possible, hope for the best, hope for no winds, hope for no more lightning storms and let it burn itself out.
100,00km squared has been burned. That's bigger then any Canadian city.
Fires in Canada are usually described in hectares. One hectare is 100 meters x 100 meters. There are 100 hectares in one kilometer squared. So 100,000 hectares is 1000 squared kilometers.
That's about 60,000 miles. That's roughly 20 times the length of the US. That's unbelievable.
Which is about 330 squared miles.

My heart and hopes go out to all the people, firefighters and families.

My bad it's 210,000 achers. Sorry for the mix up. That works out to 329 square miles. They are saying now it's to big to put out without rain helping.
I had that written earlier and didn’t see the new comments. It is still very large.
Fires in Canada are usually described in hectares. One hectare is 100 meters x 100 meters. There are 100 hectares in one kilometer squared. So 100,000 hectares is 1000 squared kilometers.

Which is about 330 squared miles.

My heart and hopes go out to all the people, firefighters and families.

I had that written earlier and didn’t see the new comments. It is still very large.
I know I fucked up the measuring I my first post. Still a very large fire.
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A lot of my buddies from round Canada have been sitting in airports. Most have finally been returned home. As far as I know Fort Hills is the one of the only sites running. He may want to find some work in the mean time if he was @ suncor or cnrl. Glad I took this year off.

Wish I could post some of my bro's pics of the action in town, better detail than anything youd see on tv, but photo recognition on social media could help identify who I am n'all..
I'm not sure which camp he was at, he's a scaffolder, so wherever that fits into the whole rebuilding / restarting phase...? My buddy sent some pics as he was leaving town Wed. night. Gotta feel for those that lost everything. It would be bad enough just being displaced, especially with kids, but then to have nothing to go back to...
What are they planning to do for containment and extinguishment? And what's the projected date that they expect to have it put out, if at all?
This area is covered in muskage and when the fire burns down into it, it will possibly burn for over a year in places with flare ups. The under brush around here is dry from years and burns like gasoline. The flames travel at over 60km/hr at times. Once it gets going it creates its own wind and it just goes. This area is expecting a drought this year so this may only be the beginning.
This area is covered in muskage and when the fire burns down into it, it will possibly burn for over a year in places with flare ups. The under brush around here is dry from years and burns like gasoline. The flames travel at over 60km/hr at times. Once it gets going it creates its own wind and it just goes. This area is expecting a drought this year so this may only be the beginning.
That's fucking crazy.. God.. I really hope everyone is and will be alright.
Has any one heard how this fire started???
Was it lightning or by man ???

Fire is on its way to Sask. Lot of houses, oil wells, farms, ect that would not stand a chance. Wind is blowing like crazy too. This area the wind never quits blowing this time of year.
Has any one heard how this fire started???
Was it lightning or by man ???

Fire is on its way to Sask. Lot of houses, oil wells, farms, ect that would not stand a chance. Wind is blowing like crazy too. This area the wind never quits blowing this time of year.
No official word yet, but they said it started in close proximity to the highway, so they suspect it to be
human caused.