Forum Moderators

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Legal Moderator, Esq.
I'd like to Mod the News and Legislation section of the forums. I have been involved through work with learning, tracking, and following laws throughout approximately 18 countries. I have friends and connections that I can call on if need be to verify facts, and I have vast experience in seeing the difference in "media" and what is actual law. Thanks for your consideration.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
I'm not sure whether the position would be in the legal section or the legalization section, I'd be willing to do either/both as needed.


Well-Known Member
Since the new MoD's i see a much better attitude in the plant hospital/problem section, think were all getting down to some good discussions and problem solving. Peace

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
It seems that I have been demodded. Not sure where I failed in my H.S. mod duties, but no hard feelings. :)

I'm applying for the Hallucinatory Substance section.


New Member
Hello, I'm Nusky. I'm 25, and I've grown a few plants. I used to own and admin a security forum called and I also modded before it went down, it was a forum with about a million users. I believe I would be an asset as I dealt with spam posts, locking, moving, trashing threads. Also due to my site being a security related one, people tend to like to play "hack the security site" which always kept me on my toes. I made my own file upload script complete with captcha and MD5 encrypted password AND user names. I also made a script that displayed all files in a folder while hiding things you don't want people to access like .htaccess files and execution of PHP files.

I look forward to your decision


Well-Known Member
Hi, my names Kingrow1. I'm 34, and I've grown a few plants too. I use to be just a straight pot head but i've recently stepped up to being a full blown stoner in the last few years. I've worked as admin in many offline forums like how to sheet together some rizlas for joint making purposes with a bunch of mates and your mums out so lets smoke her stash and blame the dog!

I do thoroughly believe i would not be an asset in dealing with spam posts, locking, moving threads. Also due to my offline site being a security related one, people tend to play "draw a fake moustache and write 'COCK' on his forehead when hes passed out white from that king skinner we just chonged" which always kept me on my toes and passing after two tokes.

I made my own file upload script complete with lighter, sticky back plastic and emergency joint. I also made schooldesks that displayed all things to the teacher whilst hiding the things you dont want the teacher to access like love letter to julie, fith row first seat on the left (shes well fit), dead spider and execution of head master blueprint files.

I look forward to making my next joint. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Hi, my names Kingrow1. I'm 34, and I've grown a few plants too. I use to be just a straight pot head but i've recently stepped up to being a full blown stoner in the last few years. I've worked as admin in many offline forums like how to sheet together some rizlas for joint making purposes with a bunch of mates and your mums out so lets smoke her stash and blame the dog!

I do thoroughly believe i would not be an asset in dealing with spam posts, locking, moving threads. Also due to my offline site being a security related one, people tend to play "draw a fake moustache and write 'COCK' on his forehead when hes passed out white from that king skinner we just chonged" which always kept me on my toes and passing after two tokes.

I made my own file upload script complete with lighter, sticky back plastic and emergency joint. I also made schooldesks that displayed all things to the teacher whilst hiding the things you dont want the teacher to access like love letter to julie, fith row first seat on the left (shes well fit), dead spider and execution of head master blueprint files.

I look forward to making my next joint. Thanks
So you DON'T want to be a mod?


Active Member
If you are still looking for moderators, I feel I could be a valuable asset. I am new to the website, but fully intend to stay long-term. I was an active moderator of the old forum, as well as an admin on another, smaller, custom vehicle forum. This was all 3 years ago. As for a specific forums on RIU, I spend most of my time between General Marijuana Growing and Indoor Growing. (Also hoping for an LED sub-forum in the future, as that would be my main interest if it were added).

As for myself, I'm a 23 year old living about an hour north of Seattle. I'm currently employed, though I do not wish to share that information, as my job DOES drug test, and I would like to keep it. (As long as they don't suspect me of using synthetic urine!). I like to be punctual and professional in anything I do in life, and nothing changes when I log on to this or any other website.

Thanks for your time and consideration,

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I have been here so long I easily know what is and isn't allowed. I know the mods know me. So I don't feel I need to introduce myself but here it goes:

I am 23 and in college. I work. I smoke. I drink. I live a simple life.

I am pretty fair and very adept and settling arguments amicably.

I feel I would make a good moderator of the Spirituality & Sexuality & Philosophy forum. It's calm and peaceful.

Thank you.

Enjoy your day,

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I have been here so long I easily know what is and isn't allowed. I know the mods know me. So I don't feel I need to introduce myself but here it goes:

I am 23 and in college. I work. I smoke. I drink. I live a simple life.

I am pretty fair and very adept and settling arguments amicably.

I feel I would make a good moderator of the Spirituality & Sexuality & Philosophy forum. It's calm and peaceful.

Thank you.

Enjoy your day,
Or Toke-N-Talk. Or both. Preferably Toke-N-Talk. Kind of realized every where else is kind of boring.
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