Forum Moderators

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RIU Bulldog
Thanx guys:) means a lot to have the support of the majority of you guys...lll do us proud! (hopefully)
HAve you tried contacting Potroast/Rollitup directly and asked him if he'd hook you up? Try it man. It might be the only way anymore, unitl he posts a 'we are no longer accepting applications' thread.

The 'Contact' tab up top also supposedly is a direct link to the admins.

Goodluck dude.


Well-Known Member
HAve you tried contacting Potroast/Rollitup directly and asked him if he'd hook you up? Try it man. It might be the only way anymore, unitl he posts a 'we are no longer accepting applications' thread.

The 'Contact' tab up top also supposedly is a direct link to the admins.

Goodluck dude.
haha nah they said i was too mean i guess. or to strongly opinionated. Itsa ll good i am, and tend to be pissy with people in teh Az section^^ All love tho^^

SUpp beans^^^^^^^^^^^^^


RIU Bulldog
haha nah they said i was too mean i guess. or to strongly opinionated. Itsa ll good i am, and tend to be pissy with people in teh Az section^^ All love tho^^

SUpp beans^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Too opinionated???
I guess I don't know the REAL philosophist. I'm gonna hve to check out what you're doing in the AZ section lol. Sorry man.


Well-Known Member
HAha not realy much execpt yelling at the Azcs people and the rest of the profiteers in Az. I get HELLA pissy when fools try to sell 400 Oz and say they are compassionate. I tend to say mean things:( Its the East sider shit talk that flows from my mmouth haha


RIU Bulldog
HAha not realy much execpt yelling at the Azcs people and the rest of the profiteers in Az. I get HELLA pissy when fools try to sell 400 Oz and say they are compassionate. I tend to say mean things:( Its the East sider shit talk that flows from my mmouth haha
That's what I'm saying man. If you're too opinionated, then I don't stand a chance of making it for the long-run!


Well-Known Member
I would love to be a mod in the spirituality section; RIU has given me so much I'd be honored to give something back to the community.


Well-Known Member
Hey id love to take on the Autoflowering Moderation

it'd be no problem and i am about to start a report in there


Well-Known Member
just remember, being a mod means you have to take peoples shit with a grain of salt, and put up with the abuse of other mods. Its awesome to give something back to this community, but people can be assholes.


Well-Known Member

I must say I am a little disappointed, but grats to all the new mods!

Maybe in the distant future lol...


Well-Known Member
wish theyd make me a mod potroast said um, well i am mean, if you break etiquette. and by that i mean just follow the rules dont be an ass dont try to redirect, dont misquote someone, dont talk shit, dont take another persons opinion as wrong without knowing reasoning. these are just basic conversation rules. plus i would be banning editing and taking away privileges left and right, a lot of people on here need checked including myself sometimes.
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