found 6 plants what to do

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Well-Known Member
chop the plant and i hope you get hit by a bus....everyone here knows how much work it is to get plants to flower and would suck if their plants got chopped down. so what im saying is dont touch them or maybe the owners will find you and break your legs.


Well-Known Member
Still amazes me how you have no comment back for me N.R. Little POS ass bag. You are either a liar or a thief, probably both. Doesn't matter, you're still a POS. I guess any attention is good, right? Like I said before, you are a little person inside and out. Fucktard...

p.s. I hope you don't think that ugly little truck makes up for what you lack.


Active Member
lol bring it on fat ass get a job loser its not hard to grow weed its a hell of a lot harder to get and keep a real job not my fault your wife cheated on you because she didnt want your limp dick
Actually man i work 45-50 hrs a week, at a highly highly skilled position, theres less then 200 people in the country that do my job. And i find it a hell of alot harder to lug 10 gallons of water a mile every day and i find it a hell of alot harder figuring out what each strain needs specifically then working ever is. Stop lying and saying you grow a couple each year, a true grower knows the difficulty and dedication that goes into each and every leaf on those plants. so stop saying you cant grow cause you work to much or that we dont work because we have gorgeous plants. Just sayin, also that guy prolly did suffer from limpdickitissss just sayin hahahahaha


Well-Known Member
I'd leave a note saying to hide them better....eventually someone will take them if you were able to stumble across them, help the guy out and tell him what's up.


Well-Known Member
I feel like the last poster doesnt understand that this thread is no longer about helping this clown find the answer... but is now dedicated to calling attention to what a piece of shit ripper he is... Please read the entire thread and then join in the bashing like everyone else. .. .. damn >,< get with the program Purps lol.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya mwooten...Who gives a ffffffuuuucccckkkk about this POS and his wannabe plants. He just craves any attention he can get. I guess he didn't get enough love as a child? AWWWW pooor baby. I still have more balls than you N.R! and don't forget - I'm a girl! You don't even have the balls to comment back.


Active Member
This question should have never entered your mind.
Leave MY plants alone or else.
How do you know you weren't being watch with a bow and arrow pointed toward your heart?
Grow your own like the rest of us.


Well-Known Member
I had a ripper visit me last night .. time for the tent .. the stupid fucker tried to pull up my smalled bubba kush plant by the main stem .. MY PLANTS ARE TOO BIG TO STEAL .. lol. .. .. .. .. .. unless he comes back with a machete >.< though we are now at defcon 5. >,<


Well-Known Member
sorry my bad guys, and yess! i've caught a thief turned out it was my neighbor's son....made the fucker help me build an electric fence around my crops to keep his ass out. and fumble yes, the Indian tribe?


Well-Known Member
lil' bastard was i believe 15 or 16 at the had him test the fence once was done...haven't seen him much since hahaha
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