Found a Baby Deer

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
mad cute, i dont know if bambi will want to go back into the wild after all the love. you should keep it and ride it when it gets big and strong.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't it be ironic if you raised this animal and released it back into nature only to have it struck by someone and then you had to scrape it off the road?


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't it be ironic if you raised this animal and released it back into nature only to have it struck by someone and then you had to scrape it off the road?
It really wouldn't surprise me. I was joking with my family about painting a bulls eye on it before hunting season if I were to let it run free.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
It's like charolette's web with all the different animals in the barn :lol:

I bet they talk to each other when your not around :lol:



Well-Known Member
animals are awesome :lol:

how'd you get into the whole farming deal? inherited?
I kinda grew up on a farm, my family is really close and I've been on and off the farm since a teen.

A few years ago me and my father went into the business we're in together and I've stayed back on the farm since.

Prior to that I lived in a one of the rental properties we own and dealt X while remodeling the house for income.

I'm happy to back in the country away from all the drama.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
thats kewl you took it in man, mad props!

it will prolly make a decent pet beings as its been raised with humans, if yur gonna release it tho i dunno how to go about it, as far as age goes, prolly depends on the natural predators in yur area.

you should make him a grow journal lol


Well-Known Member
thats kewl you took it in man, mad props!

it will prolly make a decent pet beings as its been raised with humans, if yur gonna release it tho i dunno how to go about it, as far as age goes, prolly depends on the natural predators in yur area.

you should make him a grow journal lol
Consider this it. There's not much for natural predators in my area. I was thinking of putting a blaze orange collar on her.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Consider this it. There's not much for natural predators in my area. I was thinking of putting a blaze orange collar on her.
Yeah then its all good. I got some blaze orange Remington collars for my hunting dogs lol..there prety kickass with the Remmington logo on the buckle :hump:
looks like this one



Well-Known Member
Aw man I wish I could have a couple chickens and a cow. Mb it's not too late. I used to work on a large property as head gardener. They had horses. Three of them. I brought my golden to work with me every day and he used to chase the horses around the paddocks and eat horse poop like it was cake. And I would spread out a bale of hay in the bed of my pick-up and he would roll around and fall asleep like a baby. He also used to like rolling in deer poop. That shit made me sick. What's with dogs and poop?
Thank god people don't like smelling each others butts.


Well-Known Member
probably be less trouble grown up if its a female, might need to neuter the buck lol

thats pretty cool though, good luck.


Well-Known Member
So as of this morning I brought her in the house to help her become more of a pet than a wild animal.

Right now she's curled up under my computer desk trying to take a nap.



Active Member

This may help you out... GL

I just read entire page and there is some really good info there...

"Fawns will need to be stimulated to defecate and urinate the first few weeks of life. I generally recommend that you use rubber gloves and baby wipes and stimulate while feeding. This is what the doe does and usually you get good enough at the technique that you can catch and don’t have much “wiping” to do!"