Found a Baby Deer


Well-Known Member
oh wow, i love her. she looks sweet. does she let you pet her and hold her like a dog? is she that tame?

what do you feed heR?
She's really tame for me but she's kinda afraid of other people. I can pet her and play around with her but she doesn't like to be picked up.

Lately I've been feeding her a mix of goat's milk and baby oatmeal and she's just starting to eat grass on her own.
She'll aways love you!!!! I had a neighbor that had a wild doe eat out of her hands.... she always feed it apples from her tree..... i always wanted a farm up by the mountains & do something like that!!!!! My sister also is a wildlife par ranger & found mountain lion cubs since the mother was shot. she kept them for a week before reporting them.... but those cuties hurt us like hell & almost killed the dog! lol.

Bt to pick up road kill.... & to save a live,s you are AWEOME!!!!!!! :cool::clap:


New Member
well i just think he and his deer is amazing
do u need help with money for baby's care
if so let me know and we will pass the plate


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to let everyone know that Baby's still doing great. She's drinking a lot per day now and eating grass and some grains on her own. I've put a chunk of saltblock in her pen with her so she has something to lick on and get minerals from. She stand about 2 ft now which is about 5-6 inches taller than when I first found her.

It's been raining outside for the last 2 days so her coats a little wet in the pic.



Well-Known Member
Just wanted to let everyone know that Baby's still doing great. She's drinking a lot per day now and eating grass and some grains on her own. I've put a chunk of saltblock in her pen with her so she has something to lick on and get minerals from. She stand about 2 ft now which is about 5-6 inches taller than when I first found her.

It's been raining outside for the last 2 days so her coats a little wet in the pic.
Happy fathers day man!! She's looking incredible! Hope she snuggles up with you this evening for some daddy time!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I think my icy heart melted just a little bit... just a little bit. :twisted:

Dibs on the venison. You are going to butcher it, right?


Well-Known Member
Yep, her name is Baby.
I had a baby squirrel once. It's mother was killed by a neighbor. I raised it for about three months then after it chewed through everything we used to try to contain it we took it to a park and let it go. Even now the squirrels can be awful tame when I feed them. But...I love the little doe eyed deer. Idk. I guess there's no way you could keep him permanently?
I wish I could have a small panther or mountain lion. A leopard? Ooh. But I know it would only eat me in my sleep one day so.........


Good karma my friend! The deer looks really sweet!
Me and a friend of mine went 'Deer Stalking' one day on the forest that is close by, literally followed this herd of Deer we stumbled upon for about 2 hours, so high and bloddy amazing! Deer are awesome creatures :D

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
i want to come to your farm and have some lsd adventures

play with all the animals, chill in that grass...