Found a Baby Eagle


Well-Known Member
Fuck, if only it could fly again you could have taught it to fly off with your deer :D That thing is wicked! We don't get uch more than seagulls around here, if that's a baby, how big do those things grow??
I never managed to get as close to an adult as I have this one but the adults out here look like they stand about 4ft/1.2m with almost a 6ft/1.2m wingspan.


Well-Known Member
Could have very well been Gods/your
calling to find the Eagle and something very
good and special will come with this I know.
Don't they call these birds Majestic?


Well-Known Member
So how long did you have the eagle for anyways? Have a chance to try to feed him or anything like that? Was the eagle terrified or in pain?
It calmed down shortly after I wrapped it with a blanket.

I only had it for about 30mins, the Raptor center is less then 10min away.


Well-Known Member
You did the right thing.+rep,That isnt a bald eagle is it?As for being shot thats quite upsetting who would wanna hurt a beautiful animal like that?The other day I was cleaning out my truck and heard some comotion behind me.I turned around just in time to see the resident red tailed hawk swoop down and snag something then punk all the rest of the birds around out and fly away with it.Was pretty cool.I got a koi pond and last summer a blue heron was in my back yard eating my fish,I wanted to kill it but didnt so I put up some counter measures.Thinking about putting up a hawk house this spring I hear they are enimies of the heron.


Well-Known Member
lol ya When I seen the word baby, I was expecting to see something very small, like crow size or something, not that big lol. It would be neat if you could have nursed it back to health yourself. Back when I was a kid Me and a friend found a crane with a broken wing that got washed in by the tide. It could not fly, and was walking very lousy with no balance. It still had lots of energy, it was pecking at our faces, terrified. We didn't know what to do, We told an older gentleman about it, and he got a box and we put it inside a big box. He took it to the vet or some animal place and what ended up happening was it got put down. It was very upsetting, trying to save an animal to only find out they just kill them. I was only about seven at the time.
So how long did you have the eagle for anyways? Have a chance to try to feed him or anything like that? Was the eagle terrified or in pain?
Ya it sux it had to be killed but at least it didnt suffer as long as it would have.srry for double post.


Well-Known Member
It's sad that people can look at these big beautiful birds as nuisances just because they take fish out of stocked ponds.


Well-Known Member
If it was just a trout or perch or something I wouldnt mind the Heron eating,these are my pets and quite pricey :(,the netting I put up seemed to help I never saw it again.


Well-Known Member
It's sad that people can look at these big beautiful birds as nuisances just because they take fish out of stocked ponds.
they do more then take fish lol, poor little doggies,cats, fly down to grab a rabbit as a car full of kids is going by and the little eagle goes through the windsheild and kills people.They are not a joke. and was a reason why they killed all most all of them off 100 years ago


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;XafAdkZIYKA][/video] becareful the mom and daddy eagle do not do this to ya


Well-Known Member
they do more then take fish lol, poor little doggies,cats, fly down to grab a rabbit as a car full of kids is going by and the little eagle goes through the windsheild and kills people.They are not a joke. and was a reason why they killed all most all of them off 100 years ago
I'm sure the Eagle(s) didn't go thru
the windshield(s), kill people and itself on purpose.


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;XafAdkZIYKA][/video] becareful the mom and daddy eagle do not do this to ya
I don't know what you're talking about... That was fucking awesome! Survival of the fittest.


Well-Known Member
I've said it before and I'll say it again, 420 you're the man!

That is really awesome of you, I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't have gone the extra mile.

And if someone is shooting eagles, that's fucked up!!! Is there not a law against it?


Well-Known Member
I've said it before and I'll say it again, 420 you're the man!

That is really awesome of you, I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't have gone the extra mile.

And if someone is shooting eagles, that's fucked up!!! Is there not a law against it?
I'm pretty sure it's a Federal crime. I don't like dealing with cops though so hopefully I don't find out who did it.


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;cy9UlIwMHb4][/video] go to 1:05


Well-Known Member
they do more then take fish lol, poor little doggies,cats, fly down to grab a rabbit as a car full of kids is going by and the little eagle goes through the windsheild and kills people.They are not a joke. and was a reason why they killed all most all of them off 100 years ago
Wow!!! And I thought it was DDT!!!!!!