Found a wild crop in my woods behind my house...would you smoke it?

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
i found a massive patch of plants a few miles from my house.... i'm too scared to post pics because the last time i was there i got shot at by some homeless-looking guy with a big beard.:shock:


Well-Known Member
My mom and my kids just came back from a family vacation in Kansas. We've got relatives there. They stopped at a church on the road and took some pictures in front of a bunch of weed growing all around this church. It looks like it is just growing wild all around the walkways and next to the building. I asked my mom if the church looked abandoned or closed and she said no, their were people inside and it looked like a place that had lots of people every week. I have pictures, my mom took a bunch with the kids in front of all the weed, but they are on my moms camera, maybe I'll post em later. I thought it was funny as hell, I wonder if they know, or if they just have no idea they are what they are.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
well i shot ET and mounted his fat head on my mantle love to take a pic but my phone exploded wen i tryed to im definently gonna post sum pics maybe i dunno prolly not


Well-Known Member
well i shot ET and mounted his fat head on my mantle love to take a pic but my phone exploded wen i tryed to im definently gonna post sum pics maybe i dunno prolly not
i believe ya... but u will have to help be drag this yettis carcas into my house first

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
i believe ya... but u will have to help be drag this yettis carcas into my house first
no prob man yettis are heavy arent they i remember back in the future (cuz u kno i have a time machine but cant take pics) i used to pick em off the tops of pizza hut its all over the internet check it out:shock:


Well-Known Member
no prob man yettis are heavy arent they i remember back in the future (cuz u kno i have a time machine but cant take pics) i used to pick em off the tops of pizza hut its all over the internet check it out:shock:
yeah i had heard about that next month.. yettis love pizzas but what u gotta watch out for are them there three headed aligators hiding in your sewer.. get at me i got a gr8 spot we can go catch them at..


Well-Known Member

Sure does flower early.

Pull all the males next year as they come up?
Man if he pulls all the males up next year then the following year there will be nothing. Not such a good idea IMO. I say you should watch the males and right before the pollen sacs burst pick out the two best and leave them alone and kill the rest of the males. And keep doing that every year.


Well-Known Member
its hilarious is what it is.. lol that whole sight is full of funny stuff... but hey bring a elephant nosed monkey when it comes time to go 3 headed alligator hunting yesterday of course


Active Member
i thought the topic said he found a big grow in his woods that wasnt his... i was like.... u had to ask what you should do? lol

punk them to shit

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
its hilarious is what it is.. lol that whole sight is full of funny stuff... but hey bring a elephant nosed monkey when it comes time to go 3 headed alligator hunting yesterday of course
yea cuz they can smell those alligators a mile away