found harvested crops


Active Member
me and my friend were walking home and were talking about how cool it would be to find some one's plants then we stumbled upon a 2 black trash bags i looked at my friend he looked at me then a bunch of little buds fell out of the bag so we called some buddys and loaded it up so all in all it was a good april 5th! which was yesterday yesterday oh and we got about 15g off the plants
man put that shit back.POT THIEVES ARE SCUM.Theres nothing worse then working your way all the way up to harvest just to have some scumbag steal your plans.
They were stupid for leaving them there though.
it looked like somebody just threw there plants with little bud on it away on the side of the street so don't call me a thief i work honestly for weed and money i just glad some one finally gave us a break
I'm with fdd. And reguardless I'm calling u something if not a theif. U said it urself it would be "cool" to find someones plants implying u have no problem with a garden raid. That to me sings out of tune with the way one should represent himself if he wants to be taken seriously in life and not looked upon as thieving scum. Ill google map ya my garden, I'd love to catch someone in it.
Ya so was it 15 grams? you said you got 15 out of it. So im guessing you got 15 grams so why would you need to call buddys and why the hell would you call buddys if you took it? It was only two trash bags. If your going to be a low life and steal someone elses hard work then you might as well keep it for yourself why would u call friends and split it with them? SO WAS IT 15 GRAMS?? how much did you get?
U said it urself it would be "cool" to find someones plants implying u have no problem with a garden raid. That to me sings out of tune with the way one should represent himself if he wants to be taken seriously in life and not looked upon as thieving scum. Ill google map ya my garden, I'd love to catch someone in it.

read the post slowly lol i said i FOUND some plants in a BAG on the SIDE oF The Street
Half baked why cant you answer my question was it 15 grams you found?? Is this what you meant by we got 15 from it??
Im guessing he found a bag of trim. After rummaging through it he pulled out 15 grams of tiny tiny popcorn. If thats the case then by all means he should be happy and take it and no one should care. Other wise I might have to jump on the bandwagon and say he's lying.
Google map me your garden ill rob your ass blind just for being such an uptight friggin prick. Get a life.
I think its a little to late for april fools now
Yea no shit and I think April is a funny month to find a harvest when that's when you start em outdoor. I gonna go ahead and declare shinannagans on this one.
Good call on it being in outdoor harvest in april i didnt even think of that. There is no way this is true now lol