Found Male Banana's: Chop Now? Pics Inside

OK I just finished 8 full weeks of flower, and today I noticed about 5 male bananas. The camera had a hard time picking them up, but trust me, they're there.
By looking at my pics, can I harvest now, b4 it's too late???
Please respond asap. I need you experts to help me! I do not want all my hard work ruined.
What should I do?????



Active Member
I'm not claiming to be an expert by any means, but I have been having the same problem myself. I have quite a few plants on a continuous cycle, meaning I have plants at all stages of flower in the same tent. A couple of those plants started to hermie, and I went through and pulled off all the nanners. Some of them had already opened and spilled pollen, so fingers crossed I don't have my next 3 harvests full of seeds!
Did you notice if the nanners had opened yet or not? Because if they aren't fully formed you can pull them off CAREFULLY and dispose of them. I say carefully because they could open if you squish them too much.
Your plants are looking pretty damn close to being done, but it would be a shame to cut them before they are FULLY ready. That being said, you can harvest a week or two early and still have some damn good smoke; did that a week ago with some purple kush that was still about a week away from being done, but it turned out pretty damn stoney and still has a good taste.
Either way, I hope I've helped! Worse case scenario you will end up with a few underdeveloped seeds. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Same here, I have plants in every cycle and sometimes see those late in flowering, I've only found 2 seeds in the last year or so...
I panicked and gently plucked them out with tweezers. I think I got them all.
I still would like to wait a week to harvest the colas, but I'm scared, because one of the flowers seemed to be open.
Trichs are mostly cloudy, calyx's are nice and swollen, but some pistils are still white.
What a dilemma...


Well-Known Member
Like you said "calyx's are nice and swollen" I would Harvest now, like now. Don't worry about pistils, or amber trichs, Calyxs are swollen, she is ready. Start choppin, waste no time.


Well-Known Member
ur lucky these dicks came (lol) this close to harvest and not during week 3 or 4 when hermies usually show.


Well-Known Member
Wrong Answer! First off, the calyxs are swollen (clearly ripe)so peak has arrived and any longer the thc will diminish and secondly, once a plant starts to produce seeds they start taking energy away from bud production and divert it's energy into the seeds. Do you what happens to a female flower way out no where with no males around after she reaches peak? She starts to hermie to ensure herself her race will live on.....Beautiful
u could letem finish.

seeds will form but THC content wont get any lower


Well-Known Member
Wrong Answer! First off, the calyxs are swollen (clearly ripe)so peak has arrived and any longer the thc will diminish and secondly, once a plant starts to produce seeds they start taking energy away from bud production and divert it's energy into the seeds. Do you what happens to a female flower way out no where with no males around after she reaches peak? She starts to hermie to ensure herself her race will live on.....Beautiful
u dont lose THC until it turns amber, this doesnt look like its turned amber yet. Seeds dont "zap" what bud / resin has already been established, they just take away FUTURE bud and convert it to seed.
Wrong Answer! First off, the calyxs are swollen (clearly ripe)so peak has arrived and any longer the thc will diminish and secondly, once a plant starts to produce seeds they start taking energy away from bud production and divert it's energy into the seeds. Do you what happens to a female flower way out no where with no males around after she reaches peak? She starts to hermie to ensure herself her race will live on.....Beautiful
One of the best posts I've received so far on riu.
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Well-Known Member
u dont lose THC until it turns amber, this doesnt look like its turned amber yet. Seeds dont "zap" what bud / resin has already been established, they just take away FUTURE bud and convert it to seed.
WOW you can view the trics and tell the color from those pics lol, i myself dont have SUPER vision but from what i see in your pics is swollen calyx's, 90% of the pistils are redish in color and allot of the pistils have retracted into the calyx's "meaning" ripe bud. hell i cant even view my trics in person without a mic so if you would really like to know for yourself grab a scope (or a pair of anonymuss's eyes) and view for yourself to be certain.

ps. to give rep hit the star under the posters avatar next to "journal this post".


Active Member
Wrong Answer! First off, the calyxs are swollen (clearly ripe)so peak has arrived and any longer the thc will diminish and secondly, once a plant starts to produce seeds they start taking energy away from bud production and divert it's energy into the seeds. Do you what happens to a female flower way out no where with no males around after she reaches peak? She starts to hermie to ensure herself her race will live on.....Beautiful

theres been no scientific data that seed production reduces thc. it will take away from bud production but the thc content is still the same.


Well-Known Member
What you can loose is the Sativa High. And that is before they turn amber.Also the plant concentrates on seeds and not resin production/thc/etc
u dont lose THC until it turns amber, this doesnt look like its turned amber yet. Seeds dont "zap" what bud / resin has already been established, they just take away FUTURE bud and convert it to seed.


Well-Known Member
What you can loose is the Sativa High. And that is before they turn amber.Also the plant concentrates on seeds and not resin production/thc/etc
i agree 100% if your plant starts producing seeds, then why would you want it to go another sec?? the plant is no longer aiming for the luscious buds/thc but now seeds.


Well-Known Member
ok looked at pics closer. do what u want cuz seeds have already started growin!
man now you got x-ray vision lol where can i get a pair of your eyes hahaha. OP please dint listen to this guy, it makes us all look bad who are trying to help lol and look at the sig rep for laughter im laughing and still not giving you rep hahahahahahahahahahahaha.