Found out someone who grows


Well-Known Member
Or just explain you had to drop the kids off and the pool and his shitter was nasty so you went to the other one and found his shit. But I would try the other thing I suggested first. And besides he's family.

Rick James

Active Member
Thanks, I decided to pretend it didn't happen - I know that no matter what I wouldn't tell anyone with or without malicious intent but if he has any doubt then letting him know I found it might force him to quit for no reason.

I thought about it for a while and considered worst case scenarios and came up with;

I mention my interest in growing and he trusts me well enough to tell me about his grow. Perhaps he has told a friend about it as well. His friend isn't as trustworthy as he thought and the guy brags to someone one night about how cool he is for knowing about a grow, and someone that hears about it robs my bro. Then he is stuck deciding someone to blame, maybe he asks the other guy about it first and he wont own up to it and suggests that it must have been me.

If he wanted me to know or participate then he would have told me, not waited for me to stumble on it and drop hints. Thanks to everyone for the input though!


Well-Known Member
Your plan is well thought out. Now for your family and safety. He was out of town with an unlocked door in a house that grows weed. Sounds like someone needs to let him know that he should be more careful in locking up the place. He has gotten lazy for whatever reason needs to be addressed. He needs someone to help him raise the bar on the safety aspect. If you could have gone in the house and gone to the bathroom and left without snooping around and running into the grow room you might consider letting him know you had to use the bathroom pretty bad and found the backdoor open and used the bathroom. Then mention he might want to keep the house locked up when you go out of town. Leave it at that. If he mentions it fine it not move the conversation along. Start your grow hobby. If he smokes with you then catch a buzy with him and mention you were starting a grow with success or failures. He might just open up the conversation....


Well-Known Member
dude just fucking say something to him

its ur fucking brother for god sake .. donot listen to everyone else thats liek "oooo ide kill u blah blah"

your blood ... if he cannot trust u and vise versa then who can YOU trust?

whats he gunna do? .... seriously ... ur grown ass men who are brothers
welp ... i guess we all know why he "went out of town for awhile" ! lol