Found seeds forming on one branch of one plant but can't find the male flowers.


Active Member
So I am growing 2 EasyRyders in DWC. One of them is just a week or two from finishing and the ther is a few weeks behind. This morning I was looking through the branches airing things out and found pods, each containing a seed on one branch of the younger plant. I pulled it out and could not find any evidence of male flowers anywhere. I assume that they are in there somewhere. There is no evidence of seeding or male flowers on the more mature plant yet but I am concerned. Is there a factor that I am missing here? Should I dump the younger plant to favor the older? Man, things were going so well for my first time out...


Active Member
you may need to look closer, some plants can be both male and female it will bud and have the balls, it may be the one you said had the seeds.
So I am growing 2 EasyRyders in DWC. One of them is just a week or two from finishing and the ther is a few weeks behind. This morning I was looking through the branches airing things out and found pods, each containing a seed on one branch of the younger plant. I pulled it out and could not find any evidence of male flowers anywhere. I assume that they are in there somewhere. There is no evidence of seeding or male flowers on the more mature plant yet but I am concerned. Is there a factor that I am missing here? Should I dump the younger plant to favor the older? Man, things were going so well for my first time out...


Well-Known Member
Self seeding happens and is normally just a few seeds, Keep them on the plant until harvest and you will have some fem seeds. Dry them (seeds) well then wait 60 days to use them.


Active Member
OK. I am going to look closer to verify the lack of male characteristics and if I don't find them I will make the determination to pluck the plant, the seeds or just leave them. Thanks for your help.


Well-Known Member
Just leave it to grow bro. Self seeding is normal ha. You can use those seeds for future grows. Free feminized seeds..


Active Member
OK so I tried to get a few pics, my camera isn't great but I got them the best that I could. They are definitely on both plants and when dissected they have what looks to be an immature seed inside. Now, am I misinterpreting the hard little bit as a seed (even though it looks exactly like one) and is it something that is absorbed as the flower grows? Is there a factor that would lead to a greater chance of autoseeding? At this point I am going to let them finish and see what happens. I mean it is still smokeable but if they are seeds then it will be shwaggy. Lame. Take a look and set me straight.



Well-Known Member
Thats the Bracts or Calyxs as most use that term. When your plant goes mature in veg those are what you see first but on a much smaller scale. Those are what flowers are made of, many many calyxs on top of one another.


Active Member
OK. I think I will just chill out and let it finish. I will repost when it is done and I know more fully what occurred. I feel like a doting mother... :P


New Member
I have the same issue I have a plant that is about a week from being done and I found 1 lone seed at the very top of the plant I cant find any male parts but its hard to look because the whole plant is one big bud. The plant is only 14 inches tall and the whole thing from top to bottom is a bud. I destroyed the seed I found it was still not mature but if I find anymore that are mature will they be good to grow? Does self seeding mean the same thing as herm?


Well-Known Member
Self seeding is not hermi. Hermi is when a plant takes up both gender. If you take a female plant way out in the lands and leave her there with food and water, she will veg then flower and when she gets late in flower she will try and seed to keep her generation going being she was not pollinated.


New Member
Self seeding is not hermi. Hermi is when a plant takes up both gender. If you take a female plant way out in the lands and leave her there with food and water, she will veg then flower and when she gets late in flower she will try and seed to keep her generation going being she was not pollinated.
will the seeds be any good?


Well-Known Member
Yes it is clear that this plant is not ready or over ripe, but what I am getting at is the awesomeness that the marijuana plant can have. She makes sure she keeps her race going. So with those abilities it is natural for her to give (thanks) a few seeds to us.