found seeds in one plant!!


i just harvested an MK ultra. i found around ten total seeds!! im freaking out. i didnt spot any herms in the room and all other plants (12 plants) look normal. is it possible for a plant to just grow seeds without a male around to pollinate? i noticed i did have a light leak for a day or two, but it wasnt a bad leak, just an around-the-corner type of leak from a hall light. any info is appreciated. :leaf:


Active Member
A lot of people grow weed,chances are there was some pollen in the air from a local growers ventilation. Its happened to me before and its wild but just make sure you have a pollen catcher on your intake and maybe a fan inside too with a filter.
It could be pollen left behind from a hermie that was lying around your plants. Wipe down your grow room really well with a wet rag or just sanitize the whole room, yes even the walls.
Pollen is very sticky and sometimes you will get a random seed. Just kinda one of those things you have to accept


A lot of people grow weed,chances are there was some pollen in the air from a local growers ventilation. Its happened to me before and its wild but just make sure you have a pollen catcher on your intake and maybe a fan inside too with a filter.
It could be pollen left behind from a hermie that was lying around your plants. Wipe down your grow room really well with a wet rag or just sanitize the whole room, yes even the walls.
Pollen is very sticky and sometimes you will get a random seed. Just kinda one of those things you have to accept
thanks! could it have happened due a light leak? or would that just cause one to herm out? (causing it to grow balls/fingers instead of seeds)


Active Member
If you flower too long, your plants will throw out male flowers as a survival mechanism. True hermies will develop a few male flowers along with the female flowers and can be spotted early on. They can produce a lot of seeds. Forced hermies develop male flowers later on and only have time to develop a few seeds.

Female MJ is programmed to grow a few male buds if flowering goes too long without seeding, and stress/light leaks lengthen flowering time. Hence the mantra "light leaks cause hermies". They're not true genetic hermies and their seeds shouldn't have a higher ratio of hermies. If anything, they're more likely to be female.

I'm no expert, but that's how I understand it. If anybody can confirm or correct I'm interested in learning :)


Well-Known Member
That's basically what feminized seeds are right? My grower had a plant unwittingly go herm and pollinate itself. I found 8 seeds in 1 nug out of 2 pounds. All were female. It was pretty sweet.

So be happy for you have female seeds!