found this critter. put him in the veg room and looks like he's doing work on bugs.

just figured id chec. he looked like he did that bite mark but its really just the angle of the shot. hes a hider too. hides when the lites go off i think and lurks out later. do you think mite spray would mess with him?


Well-Known Member
praying mantis are cooler. here in another month when they start showing up im going to catch one and put it in my cab :lol:
nice stick bug though... i have no idea what they eat tho. could be plants


Well-Known Member
praying mantis are cooler. here in another month when they start showing up im going to catch one and put it in my cab :lol:
nice stick bug though... i have no idea what they eat tho. could be plants
yea the walking stick dont have nothin on my mantis!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yea the walking stick dont have nothin on my mantis!:blsmoke:
I hate most insects. Well fear them a little. I know I'm a bitch.
if you plan on putting a mantis in your cab make sure you don't get a pregnant female. the day that thing has babies your room will become infested with mini mantis' hopping everywhere . It happend to a friend of mine. It was a little scary.