Founding Fathers Genetics - tigard farms

This is my second time ordering from him. Apparently if we don't chastise the man for not receiving our orders fast enough makes us fanboys? Huh what a wonderful assessment and poor assumption you got there XD Also where has anyone defended him? From every post I can see most people just said he filled the order and made it right. I don't see a single person defending him, just that their elongated order was fulfilled.

I'm curious do you guys just hang around seed bank threads hoping something bad happens so you can shit on the breeder? Because I checked your guys post histories and you just seem like your waiting around for a reason to shit on the dude XD You have 0 prior posts in the thread its like your just clout fishing.

I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. Is it unprofessional to make customers wait that long? Sure, but it's also an illegal operation of sending federally restricted objects through a federal mailing system. So I don't think any of us has the entitlement to treat these seed banks like they are normally run and operated businesses that should just have your product to you the second you order it. Your also dealing with stoners and growers, not the most punctual people in the entire population of the world. Even some of the most reputable seed banks I've had delay issues with.

Idk, maybe I'm not as anal or elitist as most of you in the Cannabis world. But I don't think the situation is that bad. I see a lot of people having contact issues with RedBeard but I always see those people follow up and hear that it was made right in the end. Yes he needs some remidning sometimes, yes it's a tad slow, and yes we as customers shouldn't have to deal with it. But: On both of my orders, albeit a bit late, he basically doubled the orders value in freebie packs. And In my most recent case even more than doubled what I ordered. I paid him money, and got way more than I bargained for.

In an illegal trade business where that man could have just taken my $$$ and never responded to me. In an illegal transaction where I have no legal course of action or any type of way to get my money back: He still sent me what I ordered, and about quadroupled the original order value if I put both orders/contents together.

it's unprofessional and I probably wont order from him again in the future unless he has something I really want, but to call me a fanboy of his for not freaking out and flaming this dudes seedbank for being a few weeks late? Ehhhh my panties aint in a wad like that. I don't need other people who didn't even order from the same dude to complain on my behalf, or assume im defending him.
Lol. Lame wtf are you even talking about? Did you even read what I wrote? And who's speaking up for you? Did you not see the part where I wrote about placing an order, but after seeing this thread that I was good, so who the fuck told you that I was speaking up for you lame?

Last time I checked selling souvenirs wasn't illegal in a lot of places, hence why so many people have access to genetics that they couldn't even get years ago. So once again, what the fuck are you talking about? lol.

Fact of the matter is that good business is good business and never should be mistaken and confused for or with bullshit excuses. Just like how he takes the money and spends it in a timely fashion, he should be sending orders out in a timely fashion.
“im not a fanboy but im gonna search you guys post history so I can call you out and write 6 paragraphs defending Founding Fathers” :roll:
Lol, the irony of it right!

Founding fathers is a good friend and stand up dude, sorry people get upset for waiting. Don't order simple as that.... but you'll find he hasn't ripped one person off. Most of the people that order seeds arnt even ready to pop em with in a week of receiving them.
Once again, I don't care how much of a friend he is to YOU, it's business, so your friendship or yall friendship doesn't mean shit to someone who's spending their cash and expecting the common courtesy of sending items out in a timely fashion.

I tell you what, why don't you be a good friend and tell your friend to start sending orders out in a proper time frame, as oppose to coming on here talking about how good of a friend you are and coming up with bs excuses.

I had intentions jumping on the bulk deal and starting them asap, so please spare me with the "most of the people that order seeds arn't even ready to pop" nonsense because you don't know most or most situations. However, like i said, this thread sold me and sent me in another direction, so you're right, I won't buy.
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I said he was unprofessional and I probably will never order from him again. And in your mind, you think that makes me a dick rider. Your delusional XD nothing else needs to be said.
You know what, I took that the wrong way and I apologize.
I thought you were directing it towards me for me not wanting to order from him after I saw the way he handled business. I'll remove my post responding to you. Once again, I sincerely apologize. Let me place my words where they belong.
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Lol. Lame wtf are you even talking about? Did you even read what I wrote? And who's speaking up for you? Did you not see the part where I wrote about placing an order, but after seeing this thread that I was good, so who the fuck told you that I was speaking up for you lame?

Last time I checked selling souvenirs wasn't illegal in a lot of places, hence why so many people have access to genetics that they couldn't even get years ago. So once again, what the fuck are you talking about? lol.

Fact of the matter is that good business is good business and never should be mistaken and confused for or with bullshit excuses. Just like how he takes the money and spends it in a timely fashion, he should be sending orders out in a timely fashion.

Lol, the irony of it right!

Once again, I don't care how much of a friend he is to YOU, it's business, so your friendship or yall friendship doesn't mean shit to someone who's spending their cash and expecting the common courtesy of sending items out in a timely fashion.

I tell you what, why don't you be a good friend and tell your friend to start sending orders out in a proper time frame, as oppose to coming on here talking about how good of a friend you are and coming up with bs excuses.

I had intentions jumping on the bulk deal and starting them asap, so please spare me with the "most of the people that order seeds arn't even ready to pop" nonsense because you don't know most or most situations. However, like i said, this thread sold me and sent me in another direction, so you're right, I won't buy.
In fact I did reach out to him when people started posting here, like a good friend and told him to get his ass in gear. Next thing you know everyone seems taken care of. Its probably best you changed you mind, appreciate the input on the thread.
Ok so I'm gonna weigh in here, I was one of the posters that was having issues... I read this thread before I even placed my order and knew there was a possibility of delay but everyone seemed happy in the end. Maybe it was a gamble but I reeeally wanted the pack of seeds that I had ordered so I went with it. Got a little bugged out coming up on month or so but eventually we connected and all seemed good and he said he'd hook it up...

Got my order today, I ordered one pack and got five lol. Like I'm set on seeds man. Got more from that one pack than ordering 3 from another bank that had great and quick service which was sweet and all too.. But in the end I can only say dude hooked it the hell up made it more than worth the wait and any hassle.
All the seeds popped from my order except 1 , Trumps Candy x Obama Kush and Chem D x T1000. Looking good so far, very uniform and growing strong. Still have a free pack from FF they sent to make up for the delay in my order, GMO x Obama Kush that will be popped next round. Overall, I am happy with my order, will do it again if I see they drop something I need to have. Now I know I need to keep tabs on my order and expect delays, hopefully this gets sorted out so these issues happen less frequently.
Got a Space Force x Obama in veg that smells incredible! It's like purple candy & super intoxicating. I also have T1000 x TK that smells good in veg as well but the Space Force x Obama smells better. Going to get her cloned up soon! Seems like anything with T1000 is a certified garden classic lol
I got some Trumps Candy x Obama Kush and T1000x ChemD in veg as well. Probably going to transplant them soon and kick into flower in a few weeks.