Fox Farm Big Bloom fertilizer question.


Active Member
Hello Everyone,
I am currently in the 3 week of flowering on just my first and only plant under a 600 watt hps. My plant is 55 in tall and buds everywhere!! Im currently watering everyother day mixing in a cap and a half of the fox farm big bloom fert with about a half gallon of water...the plant seems to be healthy except leaves at the lower end of the plant are losing color and dying this over fertilizing? and has anyone used this fox farm product b4 and can give me dosage advice? Thank You:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
cap is pretty small
usually i start with a tablespoon in the 2nd week. and every other watering which is aournd a 8 day period
i up it a table spoon every time depending on what the plant can take. watch the tips and ease up or add more depending on what ya girl is signaling ya.