Fox Farm grow


Well-Known Member
I guess this would be my second grow. I've finished one plant, got another one in her second week of 12/12, two more in their 8th week of veg, and 2 new sprouts. I've done ok with the soil and nute set up but am changing to the Fox Farm trio pack and ocean forrest soil. I got a barney's farm lsd bean started now in the soil, and wanna use the trio for this one. Have any of you ever used an all Fox Farm grow? If so how was the yield? Not to impressed with the results from first plant and have read and heard great things bout using these nutes for bigger plants and higher yields. Any help will be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
What's up GopherBuddah, first you need to unload some pictures. I'm new to growing and using ocean forest soil because I heard it was the best soil and growing starts with the soil. Now there's a lot of talk about the nutes and it was good. Check out some of the threads to find answers to your questions. Good luck on the 2nd grow. I can use all the help I can get with my 1st grow:)


Active Member
Carefull with the nutes. Ocean Forest is loaded with enough nutes for the first month of grow, then you can start feeding them. You could use Big bloom it wont burn but some say Grow Big can and Tiger Bloom will. Just start week say 1/4 strength and workup each feeding. The bottle says to use too much follow the web site schedule.


Active Member
I have another question on this same top-c - im planning on doing the same thing w/ the ocean forest stuff

I have 8 healthy autos, + 1 weak stemmed one, and 2 super lemon haze (1 rally strong 1 tiny) growin under a shitty incandescent grow light. They've been doing pretty well and are about 4 inches tall, and are in water bottles for deep root growth. However, I have no idea when to move it outside.I;m going to buy the fox farms shit soon, and i plan on stickin most straight in the ground. however, idk when i should. It hasnt been the 3 weeks yet that they are supposed to grow, i dont know m/f, and I dont know when to move the stuff outside. I want to do it though, because i heard i can increase yield by doing it outside, as they can grow bigger...

But, I want you al to keep in mind i have one on my roof, the 10th of the 10 seeds i bought, and its in a cup. has barely grown since i put that one outside. its less than an inch still. the others have blown past it inside, but maybe the others, being big now, will do better outside???? thoughts? thanks!

By the way i have a mutant 3-leaf Lowryder 2. Its cool as hell and im pumped about it.



Well-Known Member
Getting answers through someone elses thread may be kinda hard. You may wanna post your own.
And I'd reccommend getting some CFL's for your time indoors instead of that incandescent bulb you're using.
Good Luck.