Fox Farm Nutes

You will have to modify the schedule as the plants lifespan is under 8 weeks. The liquid stuff would work well, but the soluables would have to be changed up.
I just fed my plants 2 tbs per gallon. I started flowering yesterday. I've given them full strength nutes from week 2. So far excellent results. Stay tuned to my journal as I'll take photos tomorrow when lights on

I thought this was my room for a moment there. Nice set up. It does remind me a little of my closet.

Have you considered adding sand to the top of your pots? I had a small bug problem, and after a brief treatment, I added sand on the top of the soil to prevent bugs from flying back and forth between pots and laying eggs. Thought I would ask in the event you discover a bug problem. I found my bugs an inch under my soil after seeing a couple of flyers. Haven't seen one bug since adding sand.
You will have to modify the schedule as the plants lifespan is under 8 weeks. The liquid stuff would work well, but the soluables would have to be changed up.

im kinda a nub to nutes but i have everything can ya help me out please :mrgreen:
Fox Farm users on the schedule it says you start on seedlings how old does the seedling need to be before starting the schedule?
I use the full line of fox farm and it works great for me. I pull about 1.6 to 1.8 pounds per 1000w in soil for my lowryders. Never feed it the full amount as the schedule says though. I usually use half of what they recommend and even less when my plants are younger.
To get this thread going again, I have a plant that just started week two of flowering. She is under 150 watts of cfls and is a lucky seed find in some Kush. I say she, because it definitely is a she.
Im wondering, If using JUST FF Big Bloom, would one still follow the sites feeding instructions and serving sizes, because on the back of the bottle is says to use alot more. Which led me to believe that if using JUST Big Bloom, that I should follow the instructions on the bottle, but if using all 3 FF's to go by the sites recomendations.
Any help??
No offense to anybody but many of the posts on here seem like the blind leading the blind - Ive used the whole line of FF - and Ive used it in FFOF - now im left with all these nutes that cost me 100s of $'s i dont or should i say wont even use - Honestly its all overpriced hype - if you grow in an organic LIVING soil you are shooting yourself in the foot using FF nutes b/c the salts kill all the beneficial microbes in your soil - BB is the only one of them thats organic and for the price of it you can buy all the ingredients and make the same shit hundreds of times in a tea for pennies - plus look at the back of every single FF nutrient not one of them has even .001% of calcium - NOT ONE! - just some advice from someone whose been there and done that - the only reason i even replied to this post is b/c when I started I read up on RIU just like you did and bought into all the BS hype and I just wish I knew then what I know now or someone woulda told me - if you wanna keep it organic then Blue Mountain Organics on Ebay is your best bet you can get their complete line for about $30 with shipping included - no need to check ph no headaches no BS and awesome prices that cant be beat - it has EVERYTHING your plants need and its all natural and alive - trust me your babies will love you for it- shit and take just a quarter of the money yould save and buy a copy of teaming with microbes and youll have a better understanding of all of this - you could also just sprinkle some FF piece of mind fruit and flower into your soil and just water - it costs $10 and your stuff will rock guaranteed -remember the almighty KISS rule - keep it simple stupid! - good luck man - :peace: