fox farm ocean blend


Well-Known Member
damn i only payed 20 bucks for a bag so i bought 2. as for additonal nutes no im just using the soil. there is a link to my current grow were my signature is


Well-Known Member
I'm using it, $20 bucks a bag , filled 4 , 4 gallon planters up and still have enough left over for one more. Good stuff, looks cool and smells nice, plus it's got EARTWORM CASTINGS


great stuff.....but damn..i can't believe the price some of you have to pay..that's harsh.....a bag of ocean forest is $9 where i am at....but it is the bomb soil..i love it.......i just don't know if i would have ever tried it though at $20 a bag......that would have scared me away.......I'd be back to mixing my own soil blend.....