Fox farm ocean forest and happy frog. Should I add anything


Well-Known Member
im going to be growing in 3 gallon smart pots. was wondering what else i should add to my soil to amend it to be better.
Depends on how you want to fertilize. In other words, you could heavily amend the soil and use only plain water, or you can skip the amendments and use liquid fertilizers. I have had much better luck amending my soil and skipping the bottled liquid fertilizers.
mix some peat moss, add some neptunes crabshell at the beggining tho. this will help balance the ph. i added neptunes fish and seaweed through veg and just watered in flower...
im going to be growing in 3 gallon smart pots. was wondering what else i should add to my soil to amend it to be better.

Add a few bags of earthworm castings and some perlite and you are all set to learn about organics. Read about how to use teas and then you will be set to have a nice harvest of great bud. Keep it simple the first run or two.
How mucH dolomite do you add to happy frog? I've had some ph issues with it the last couple times i used it.
How mucH dolomite do you add to happy frog? I've had some ph issues with it the last couple times i used it.

1 TBS per gallon of soil. I agree with the recommendation to add some worm castings and maybe a bit more perlite.
thanks everybody. would the big chunks of perlite be better to get? cascadian if i got three gallon pots should i throw 3 tablespoons of dolomite per pot?
Mix anywhere between 1/4 and 1/3 perlite into your soil.

Yes, add 3 slightly heaping TBS of dolomite for every 3 gallons of soil you are using and you should be good...
i always use a bit of perlite, usually 10-15%. i also always use "earth ambrosia, earth nectar," for my micro-herd, and re-apply monthly. i make sure that my base nutes, or supplements, contain both humic/fulvic acids. the girls really love it...
i always use a bit of perlite, usually 10-15%. i also always use "earth ambrosia, earth nectar," for my micro-herd, and re-apply monthly. i make sure that my base nutes, or supplements, contain both humic/fulvic acids. the girls really love it...

That is also some solid advice IMO...
I love Dr Earth All Purpose soil amendment it's cheaper than Happy Frog amendments and has pretty much the same stuff in it
Should I add any azomite, blood meal, bat guano, rock dust any of those that you think I should add. I would like to just be able to water my plants water from the tap left out to evaporate the chlorine
Should I add any azomite, blood meal, bat guano, rock dust any of those that you think I should add. I would like to just be able to water my plants water from the tap left out to evaporate the chlorine

For outdoor last year I bought a garbage can from my local hardware store and filled that up the day before I watered to let the chlorine evaporate but make sure to test the pH of your tap water mine comes out of the tap at 8.2 and I use pH down to get it to 6.5 so your plants grow properly no nutrient lockout